You interviewed Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist

You interviewed Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist

Having in mind the price, ensuring the quality of food, going to a supermarket instead of going to do the market, the possibilities for shopping are numerous and ask more and more questions to consumers, who canget lost.Even if for the French pleasure remains the main factor in the choice of their diet, the multiplication of labels, brands and distributors complicate things."Knowing how to eat, the truth about our food", the best-seller of nutritionists Jean Michel Cohen and Patrick Serog, whose new edition was published by Flammarion at the end of March, proposes to draw up a large part of thefoods available in supermarkets and in grocery stores.More than 17.000 food products have been detailed with the help of 50 dietitians to find out how to fill your basket.How to eat well with a limited budget?What types of food should you absolutely avoid?Jean Michel Cohen, replied.

The cat is finished, find the responses ofJean Michel Cohen below.

Hello M.Cohen. Pouvez vous me dire quels sont les aliments, meilleurs sourced'antioxidants? Et je bois beaucoup de thé vert mais mon dentiste m'adit d'en limiter la consommation car ce serait nocif pour les dents,est-ce vrai? Même chose pour le vin rouge? MerciSauvonslafranceEffectivementle thé et d'ailleurs le café sont de très bonnes sourcesd'anti-oxidants.But there are two special foods that contain a lot, all the cabbage, as well as the dry apricot.In addition, the consumption of wine is good without exceeding two glasses by day and I particularly recommend the red fruits and lerarisin.

Bonjour, pour 4h de piscine par semaine combien de grammes de protéines dois-je prendre par entrainement ?CitronEn principe avec 30g de protéines supplémentaires avant chaque entraînement vous ne risquez ni carence, ni excès.

Existe-t-il une "hiérarchie" entre les organes ? Je me demande en faitquel sont (ou quel est)) les organes qui se servent en premier en casd'alimentation déséquilibrée ? Plus précisément pour donner un exemple :le cerveau s'entretient-il d'abord aux dépens des autres organes ? oubien les déficiences sont elles réparties de façon égale dans tous lesorganes et tissus ??GibritteOui le cerveau resteprioritaire, puis le foie et le cœur.This explains why it is so important to take slow sugars that can be found in grain pride because it takes minimum 150g sugar to operate the brain.

In your book, you seem particularly complacency with regard to many products which we know are for health.Without being a direct factor of cancer, coca or other sodas are still not very healthy...You also do not seem to think that aspartame has a health risk.Can you specify your position? Lanenesonja am unscientificic and everything that is not demonstrated as true must be prescribed false.Today, unlike the effects of announcements and therumors there are no scientific evidence of the toxicity of the aspartame, especially in the doses where it is consumed.On the other hand, we no longer understand his interest very well because unlike the hopes we had, he has not improved much things.For the ingeneral sodas they focus very much attention but we forget to say that the bottled orange juice that we give to children contain the same sugar rates without bringing, especially in industrial saviorsion, of vitamins.What we forget to say is which these products should have been treats and that they are a happyly imposing themselves as consumer methods.

Quels produits faut-il absolument éviter d'acheter et de consommer ?jybritanny56Amon avis, il vaut mieux éviter les sirops de glucose/fructose, l'huilede palme et les produits qui contiennent trop d'ingrédients (typeprofiteroles au chocolat avec 25 ingrédients!)).It is better to promote assembly kitchens, that is to say when you buy premises to cook them yourself, example vegetables already peeled.

Que pensez vous de la chrono-nutrition ?JuckScientifiquementsans intérêt, mais sans aucun danger pour la santé.No demonstration of particular efficiency unless the psychological conditioning is suitable for people.Je voudrais s'il y a desaliments précis qu'il faut manger (et éviter)) quand on a mal auxarticulations? et s'il y a des aliments précis à consommer quand on a untaux de probabilité élevé d'avoir un cancer du sein?YVONLAPERONonnous n'avons pas de solutions alimentaires pour les articulations.Laseule relationship for breast cancer today is that it has more often affected menopausal women who have a very high sugars or significant obesity.These are therefore the only two things to watch.

Bonjour,Que pensez-vous du régime DUCAN?Comment perdre en poids quand on a peu de graisse (grosse masse musculaire))?Pouvez-vous donnez votre avis sur certains produits en vente grand publique et d'autres interdits (ephedrine))?MerciKingKoalaC'estun vieux régime recyclé au goût du jour.It's pretty funny to see that it comes back every 15 years.It is rather difficult to do for results that are not better after 3 months.When you have little fat and a lot of muscles, only cardiovascular exhaustion is a decrease in muscle mass.I do not recommend any product at the moment because they all have a danger potential.What type of water is it important to drink to make drainage and the rate of dry residue and is it important? The least mineralized sanspseudoleseaux as possible such as Volvic water or water water, it is D'elsewhere the rate of dry residues which indicate the lapresence of minerals and their quantity.

Vous avez interviewéJean Michel Cohen, nutritionniste

Bonjour, Que pensez-vous du régime végétarien ? Notamment chez les adolescents ou les jeunes adultes ?MercimwaLerégime végétarien ne présente pas de dangers particuliers, à ne pasconfondre avec le régime végétalien, car on peut trouver d'autresprotéines que dans la viande ou tout autre chaire animale.The onlyrose is a small iron deficiency that can be compensated for "complete" products, lenses, or...chocolate.

Hello, like many diets is a lot talking about the danger of dangerousness and the risks it causes.I think that a lot of diets are powder in the eyes because very often the problem of weight part of our genetic heritage specific to each.Do you really think your diet is viable?Is it really to the point?Carbeuscoup speaks about it but little lose weight.momoNon, jen'ai pas été contesté et je m'en suis expliqué auprès de l'ANSES car iln'existe pas d'alimentation qui ne soit pas carencée et parce que letemps où on est au régime est un temps particulier.On the other hand there is a genetic dimension in the overwater which is indisputable.For MAPART I consider that this is a chronic and recurrent problem, that the regime is stricient in a non -definitive way, but it is better!What I offer insists a lot especially on the need not to lose the pleasure of eating.I no longer believe in restrictive regimes for a long time.Statistical results are known, around 50% of good results in the first year and 35% after 5 years.

Some countries have a "real" meal for breakfast (with eggs, rice, meat...)). Est-il meilleur que le nôtre?SandrineNon,ni meilleur, ni moins bon car cela s'équilibre en général avec lesautres repas de la journée.It is a question of social habit and besides the cereals of the breakfast are in the process of taking away most countries.

Est-ce vrai que les produits laitiers sont bons pour les enfants; mais qu'en grandissant il ne faut pas trop en consommer? Si c'est le cas, pouvez-vous définir le «trop»?Yvan95Lesproduits laitiers posent le problème de l'intolérance au lactose et nedéclenchent pas de maladies particulières sauf si les hommes dépassentune quantité de 500ml par jour qui semble être une augmentation derisque statistique de cancer de la prostate.Apart from that and you digested well, there is no problem consuming it if we like it.

Pourquoi les nutritionnistes mentent-ils aux gens en leur disantde consommer des laitages? Pourquoi ne pas leur dire que le lait animaln'est pas adapté à l'homme, qu'il contient parfois du pus tant lesmamelles des vaches sont sollicités et que le calcium se trouve enquantité suffisante dans les végétaux?nanaJe ne partagepas votre point de vue.Milk, if it is well digested, because there are many intolerances, is a good food.The only thing that we are that above 3 dairy products per day the risk of prostate cancer is higher.The rest are only assumptions and is not based on any scientific element.However, a diet was watched by everything and you will never be able to prevent the industrialists from doing excessive promotion.I remind you that there are many types of milk now, including soybean juice quirestes an alternative and that the most important is to make its choices depending on your own needs.

Est-ce-que les légumes surgelés sans aucun additifs et matièresgrasses ont les mêmes qualités nutritionnelles que les légumes frais ?sanspseudoAbsolument.Provided not to throw the juice in which they bathe because after freezing, it is in this that we find minerals and vitamins.It is even preferable to take frozen vegetables and assemble to meat and fish rather than buy Desplats ready -made.

Bonjour,Peut-on aller en toute confiance au restaurant(même haut de gamme)), alors que de nombreux reportages à la télé,montrent des réguliers problèmes d'hygiène et des menus composés souventavec des plats industriels qu'on nous vend comme fait maison?anarchiste au pouvoirAl'heure actuelle, il n'y a aucune information positive et rien que dunégatif.To the train where it goes we will no longer be able to eat whatever these.We have a level of food quality in France satisfactory but which still deserves improvements, in particular auniveau of craftsmanship.The cleanliness of a room, the look of a restaurant and the analysis of a card often allows to know if we are dealing with or not thugs or not.There is therefore no systematization but laprudence remains a rule.

Le Rapport Campbell (plus vaste compilation de données réalisées surla nutrition)) préconise de manger au maximum des aliments complets,biologiques, et d'origine végétale.This report is authoritative in matters of nutrition in many countries. Pourquoi les professionnelsde santé français continuent-ils à recommander les fameux produitslaitiers trois fois par jour et viande ou poisson deux fois par jour, àl'encontre des données scientifiques sérieuses?AuradeJevous donne les dernières indications scientifiques.More than 2 products per day statistically increase the risk of laprostate cancer in humans, more than 500g of red meats per week threatening cardiovascular balance, and above 230g of fish per jourexist actually the risk of intoxication inmercury.In what the whole foods, they are only interesting if they are, because otherwise they contain more pesticides than the others.High leprix of these products and the insufficiency of production limit and consumption.But we see that the consumer is increasingly imposing their law and that should make us optimistic.

Hello, can you give us the title of jobs around the nutrition. Médecin nutritionniste = médecin avec une spécialiténutrition, diététicien nutritionniste = Bac +2 en diététique (BTS, IUT))Merci de confirmer également que le terme NUTRITIONNISTE seul (ou Experten Nutrition)) n'existe pas et que c'est une tentative d'usurpation dequalité => je ne parle pas pour vous mais pour les charlatant du Net.RAIMBYVousavez parfaitement raison et votre définition est exacte pour lesdiététiciens et les médecins.We are one of the last countries not to practice distinction.Google is acting on this to moralize the market and I gave them some advice for avoiding delirious messages.But there will always be as many charlatans as there are gogos and it is by mass pedagogy that we follow.This is why I do so much media with the support of pasmal of my colleagues.

Bonjour,J'ai fait le South Beach Diet toutes les phases(viande grillées, légumes, poisson + un peu d'activité physique)) lemoins de carbs possibles pendant 2 mois et j'ai perdu 25 livres l'annéedernière et depuis je n'ai rien repris car je fait assez attention.Unfortunately I still have 10 pounds to lose and those attached it to Mon Bide as the state at its taxes.A word of advice? Bertrand Ardennes You have chosen a balanced diet and the caloric level you have is now corresponds to your energy expenditure that is why Lepoids stabilizes.Two possibilities, the first to increase your energy of energy by strengthening your physical activity, the second, still endowed the caloric level of your diet, which I do not recommend you.Remember that we are never satisfied with this body and that patience is often the key word of success, not only in terms of diets but also in terms of weight destabilization.Good luck.Jean Michel.

Should we do cures from omega 3?.They are found in rapeseed oil, nuts, combined oils, but also in all fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines.With a teaspoon of rapeseed oil a day or twice a week, 150g fatty fish, your needs are met.Useless therefore in this case to make interest -free expenses.

I can't swallow anything in the morning, except my medications, water and my cigarette, I eat well at noon and again, I disgust food in the evening, so much so that my husband is eating alone.Me, I drink my coffee in milk before bed.Is it linked to poor diet or the reason is deeper?I add I have been "to this diet" for almost 4 years.Naguimatoutealimentation which contains a minimum of 1,500 calories per day with diverse supports is considered good.Food distribution is a matter of personal taste and social habit.If you do not lose weight and your analyzes are correct and what is a pleasure there is no problem.

It's spring, the time to detoxify our body.Do you have any advice?Do you recommend mono-diaries?Why? Lanensonlameille of detoxifications consists in eating an overturned normal diet between 1400 and 1800 calories per day with the least possible fatty and a little higher hydration.It is much smarter to accompany this with destechnics of appeasement or relaxation.It's a balance to find.However, avoid the fasting which presents him with dangers without medical control.

It is often prescribed to consume fruits and vegetables and vegetable materials. Mais engloutir un kg de fruits par jour, par exemple,n'est-ce pas en fin de compte nocif (sucre et diabète, insecticides))?L'huile de palme, présente dans de nombreux produits, même bios,bouche-t-elle vraiment les artères?FirecatVotre réflexionest juste car à partir de 800g de fruits et légumes par jour, destraces de pesticides sont retrouvées dans le sang et donc il vaut mieuxessayer de rester entre 400 et 800g par jour.The palm oil that jets regularly is indeed the oil which includes the most saturated fatty acid, that is to say those who block the arteries and withdes.We must therefore consume depetites doses and the whole problem consists in the fact that the industry does not indicate its presence by having replaced the name by the simple term vegetable oil which prevents us from really choosing.Hello M.Cohen, do you confirm that the evening meal must be a light leplus possible?Can we still eat a quantity of proteinsle evening?Overall what do you recommend as a meal for ledine? Thank you in advance.Jinkentnon.There is no detached on it apart from the comfort of each of us.We can eat the same quantities of protein in ways, I recommend starchy foods in the evening because they contain Dutrytpophane which is an amino acid allowing a sensation sensation, of course not to use too much materials that would be indigestible.

For years, we are told the importance of dairy products in our diet, with major reinforcements of advertising spots.However, industrialized countries, which consume the most of these dairy products also those where osteoporosis is the most widespread.Do we fix the calcium brought in this way?Do you really think it should eat 2 or 3 dairy products per day?What are other sources of calcium?.It requires a balanced diet which contains enough vitamins of which are found in the fatty fish in particular or the egg yolk. Les autres sources de calcium de notre alimentation sont: les fruits et les légumes qui enapportent 30%, l'eau (environ 10%)) et pour les pays asiatiques 5% dansles arêtes de poissons :))