The group at the origin of the Golden Globes announces a new diversified composition following scandals

The group at the origin of the Golden Globes announces a new diversified composition following scandals

La Hollywood Foreign Press Association, qui organise les Golden Globes, a annoncé avoir ajouté 21 nouveaux membres – dont six s’identifient comme Noirs – alors qu’elle tente de se remettre d’une année de scandales autour de l’organisation, notamment des allégations de conflits d’intérêts et la révélation qu’il n’y avait pas un seul membre noir.Le groupe à l’origine des Golden Globes annonce une nouvelle composition diversifiée à la suite de scandales Le groupe à l’origine des Golden Globes annonce une nouvelle composition diversifiée à la suite de scandales

Main facts

The context

The HFPA, which brings together journalists from the show working for foreign press bodies, was shaken by the Los Angeles Times article, which revealed that the association paid its members "substantial payments" which could be in contradictionWith IRS directives, and that some members accepted gifts from producers and studios in exchange for their support - a practice that has since been prohibited within the framework of a certain number of reforms.In May, NBC announced that it would not broadcast the Golden Globes 2022, thus joining the heavyweights of the sector, including Warnermedia and Netflix, which boycotted the HFPA.

Le groupe à l’origine des Golden Globes annonce une nouvelle composition diversifiée à la suite de scandales

Diversity is at the heart of the major Hollywood award ceremonies since the emergence of the hashtag #OSCARSSOWHITE in 2015 in response to the list of nominees at the Oscars that year.This is a question that has remained topical since: last month, the Emmy Awards were criticized when none of the main categories of actors were won by color artists.

Article translated from US forbes - author: Téa Kvetenadze

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