Small homemade pots with infant's milk: 4 recipes at the top!

Small homemade pots with infant's milk: 4 recipes at the top!

Why use infant milk in small homemade pots?

If for a baby who does not hesitate in front of his beers and takes his 500 ml of daily infant milk (indispensable until he is 1 year old, let us remember!), adding infant milk in homemade pots is not essential, it is, on the other hand, necessary for a loudspeaker who does not really appreciate the milk as it is. "to supplement the bottles with the addition of infant milk to your home pots is a veritable anti-deficiency umbrella," explains the dietician. When appetite fluctuates, especially in winter, which is mixed with many ENT disorders (otitis, rhino, etc.) In some bout'chous, the addition of infant milk to purées and compotes also helps to ensure the intake of nutrients.

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On the taste side, the infant's milk gives the simplest of purées a milky and creamy side. Be sure, however, to choose a truly natural formula. In compotes, the addition of infant milk makes it possible to obtain a complete snack, combining fruit and milk, to be completed with a small boudoir.

How to integrate infant milk into homemade pots?

Petits pots maison au lait infantile : 4 recettes au top !

It is possible to integrate the powder as it is in all preparations, salted (purée, soup) or sweetened (compote, cream). "the idea is to make the powder undergo as little processing (especially heating) as possible in order to preserve all its nutritional qualities," explains the dietician. In practice, start by preparing your own dish, then at the last moment add the infant's milk. Since infant milk contains all the necessary fats, there is no need to add butter or olive oil.

Infant milk: how long can we keep these small pots?

"the less you warm, the less you keep, the better," sums up Christelle Piatti. As with all foods, it is ideal to eat them on the same day. It is possible, however, to keep a small pot prepared the day before for the next day, especially if you supply the small dishes of your loulou for the nanny. The only condition for a top recipe is to add the infant's milk just before serving the baby dish. The same goes for freezing: if it is always better to buy fresh vegetables, cook them in large quantities and freeze everything, be sure to add the infant's milk only on the day of consumption.

4 ideas for infant milk recipes

Milky vegetable soup

Boil water, then cook vegetables covered and simmer for about 40 minutes. Mix together, add a little water if necessary, then the infant's milk.

Vegetable purée with infant milk

Peel the vegetables, wash them and then cut them into small cubes. Steam them. Drain the vegetables, taking care to keep the cooking water. Mix with a little cooking water, until the desired consistency is obtained (purée, small pieces depending on the age of the baby). Add cooking water if necessary. Add 3 doses of infant milk, mix well and serve.

Baby caramel cream

Heat the sugar in a saucepan with a drop of vinegar to make the caramel. Aromatize with compote (depending on baby taste). Loosen the rice cream in the water. Thicken on low heat and add infant milk and caramel. Cool and serve.

Small fruity cream

Mix it all: it's ready!

Website of Christelle Piatti:

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