Sexist assault: 42% of women have already suffered at least one

Sexist assault: 42% of women have already suffered at least one

Qui pense (à tort) avoir encore son mot à dire sur la tenue d'une femme alors qu'ils ne sont même pas concernés par la question ? Les hommes et ils le font savoir à coup de commentaires sexistes et dégradants. Selon une étude #MoiJeune d'OpinionWay, 42 % des femmes de 18 à 30 ans déclarent ainsi avoir subi au moins une agression au cours de leur vie. La raison avancée par les agresseurs ? Une tenue jugée trop courte ou trop moulante. Ces remarques commencent dès le plus jeune âge, au lycée voire au collège, comme le prouve le mouvement #libération14. Des chiffres aussi aberrants qu'affligeants qui viennent confirmer que l'on vit toujours au Moyen-Age...

67 % of women undergo comments regularly

Worse still, this pressure from men pushes 69 % of women to give up at least once in the last twelve months to wear clothing for fear of sexist remarks or assaults.According to the #Moijeune study, among the 42 % to have been attacked "because of" their outfit, 17 % were attacked on multiple times.

And this survey does not stop there.He reveals that 83 % of interviewed has already undergone at least one remark or a whistling in their lifetime, including 67 % which must endure these comments regularly in public or online space.Should we still remember that wearing a skirt, a dress or a neckline is not a call, an invitation!Women have the right to wear what they want.

The uniform at the school put on the table

Agression sexiste : 42% des femmes en ont déjà subi au moins une

The panel interviewed during this OpinionWay study concerns an age group of 18-30 years.But this type of reflections originates from school as shown in the #Liberation14 movement.College and high school students denounced in 2020 the internal regulations of their establishment on the outfits to be carried and not to wear."We are told that a shorts or a skirt above the knee could deconcentrate the boys. But it is not normal, it amounts to justifying the attacks by the outfit," explains Camille, 17, in this sense, in20 minutes.

According to the OpinionWay study, 57 % of women aged 18 to 30 do not want a dress code at school.37 % think that this type of rule is based on subjective, even sexist criteria.

For their part, 60 % of men are favorable to a clothing regulations at school.But growing up, a woman is free to wear what she wants to go to work consider 56 % of men questioned.We bathe in an insidious rape culture ... Let us remember that provocation only exists in the eye of the predator.Women are free to wear what they want, whatever their age, day and night, and wherever they are.It is not rocket science to understand ...

What is a correct outfit?

The dress of a woman is in no way a reason of assault.Besides, when we venture to ask them how women must dress to avoid their degrading comments and other attacks, strangely they remain speechless.62 % of men aged 18 to 30 thus consider impossible or very complicated to give the exact definition.

On the other hand, still according to the OpinionWay study, 84 % of women are of the same opinion: the definition of correct attire is associated with the perception of each.For Camille, 17, for example, it is a question of "hiding the private parts and respecting the laws on exhibitionism".

Emblem of the 90s, the crop top very popular among young people in 2021, still arouses divergent speeches.The shots and the stigmatization of the victims have decidedly hard skin ... But as Lilou, on Twitter, would say, from the age of 17: "Teach your sons to control themselves rather than trying to control your daughters outfit".