Expert answer: childbirth without a health pass, how does it work?
Access to pregnant and unvaccinated maternity
“I am 8 months pregnant and I am not vaccinated because I did not want to take the plunge during my pregnancy. I do not yet have a precise date for my delivery and I am worried… What if I were refused access to maternity?”
Health pass and childbirth: two essentials?
The rule is clear: the health pass does not apply to emergency situations. So, if the delivery is not scheduled and the mother-to-be does not have a complete vaccination schedule, this will not be an obstacle to her care. A pregnant woman will not be refused maternity because she is not vaccinated. On the other hand, if the person arrives and does not have a valid vaccination certificate or health pass, screening will be requested, i.e. a PCR test will be carried out to find out if they are carrier of the virus.
Read also: Health pass: what will happen to unvaccinated pregnant women?In the event of a planned caesarean, moreover, he will be asked to take the test as close as possible to the date of hospitalization and, in the absence of this test, the department heads will have the possibility of authorizing the mother-to-be to come in if they feel that delaying her arrival would prevent proper care.
There may, however, be a refusal of passage for the spouse if he is not vaccinated. Logically, this exception only applies to the mother because, in a classic hospital organization, someone who does not have a pass and who is not in an emergency situation cannot enter and visit him.
Is glad he knows how to wire a doorbell... #usefull
— Bryce Ferkel Wed Sep 28 14:31:09 +0000 2011
In the event that the pregnant woman tests positive, there will be specific isolation measures, for example installation in a single room, but no element of inconvenience or anything that may alter the conditions of the stay of the nobody. At the start of the epidemic, there were rules to isolate the child from the mother, but this is no longer really the case, we monitor the baby to see if they are not contaminated, but we do not does not prevent breastfeeding or contact.
Vaccination of pregnant women
I encourage people to think carefully: today, we know the risks of Covid during pregnancy for the mother and for the child, and we know that the vaccine is not a danger, on the contrary, it is a real element of protection. These data are public and published*, individuals can consult them and discuss them with their gynecologist and doctor.
There are two to three times more complications in pregnant women (hypotrophy, premature baby) and the mortality rate is much higher in those who had Covid and risk factors such as obesity or hypertension. This is why, from the start, the vaccine was strongly recommended. Today, it is offered at any time during pregnancy and the booster vaccination has been opened to all pregnant women who are covered by it.
I repeat: there are no limits or fears regarding vaccination, pregnant women should not be apprehensive. And above all, with the clusters resuming within the community, we are seeing clusters appear in health facilities. During their stay in maternity, there will therefore be a real risk of coming across the virus because, if they are not vaccinated, they may come across visitors who will have Covid.
Read also: Covid-19: everything you need to know about pregnant vaccination*See in particular this Pharmacovigilance survey on the adverse effects of Covid19 vaccines in pregnant and breastfeeding women (Source: ANSM)
Thank you to Doctor Pierre Parneix, doctor of public health and hospital hygiene at the Bordeaux University Hospital.
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