What cold recipes with squash?
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By Charles MerlinA puree or cream of cold squash! A cold velouté too, it's extra! I love using these preparations for my verrines! You can season them in lots of different ways, it's super good and it has such a pretty color in the glass! Here is my best festive recipe for you: cream of squash with foie gras and ginger! For 4 people, you will need: - 1 good squash (I prefer the taste of the butternut variety to that of pumpkin but if you can't find any, it's no big deal: pumpkin will do) - About 150 g of liver fat (semi-cooked), homemade or from the store- 1 large onion - 500 ml of chicken stock - 10 cl of fresh cream (preferably thick, but if you want a more liquid consistency, semi-thick cream may be suitable) - 1 teaspoon of olive oil - 1 teaspoon of cornstarch or potato starch - 1 good pinch of powdered ginger - 2 pinches of grated nutmeg - salt - pepper1st step: Slice the onion, peel and cut the squash into small pieces (easier to crush then than large ones). eg: Pour the oil into a saucepan. Brown the onion in it before adding the chicken broth and the pieces of squash. Step 3: Boil the mixture. Let the cooking continue until the squash pieces have become very tender, then mash them (I use a manual potato masher). Step 4: Dissolve the cornflour (or potato starch) in a little water. Take the pan off the heat and slowly add the cornstarch, mixing well. Put the saucepan back on the heat and boil the mixture again, still stirring: the mixture should begin to thicken. Step 5: The cooking is finished, you can turn off the heat. Put the mixture in the blender, then pour the fresh cream. Pepper (advice: quite generously, it enhances the taste), salt and add the nutmeg and ginger (honestly, for ginger I dose a little on instinct). I really appreciate the squash-ginger marriage, so I can sometimes put a generous dose. Too generous perhaps for some Tip: start by adding just a little ginger, especially if you are not familiar with this spice. Taste the preparation and add more if necessary. Step 6: Your pumpkin cream must be chilled for 3-4 hours. Step 7: Pour the cream into 4 pretty glasses. Cut shavings of foie gras and put some on the cream. Enjoy your lunch !
By Maurice Brulot With squash, I'm more used to hot dishes. Soups especially, I make them every fall! That said, if it can help you, I've already tried the frozen pumpkin velouté and the squash flan. The velouté is really very fine, but it's better when spiced. My first try was a little too bland. Since then, I put a hint of chilli in it and it's very good like that. For the squash flan (I specify that I speak of a sweet flan), nothing to say: it's a very good dessert, my children like it a lot. The longest part is preparing the squash: cut it into cubes, cook it, drain it, mix it Then, just mix it with eggs, sugar, a sachet of vanilla sugar, milk and we bake. Once the flan has cooled well, all that remains is to enjoy!
In video: recipes for winter dishes:By Olivier CantatA squash ice cream: colder than that as a recipe, it's going to be tough! The preparation is quite simple: the important thing is to choose a variety of squash that contains a lot of water, such as pumpkin or melonnette squash. For about 600 g of squash, count 250 ml of heavy cream, 2 egg yolks, 90 g of sugar + 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar. You have to start by making a simple puree of cold squash (cut it into pieces, cook it, puree it and let it cool). Then you mix all the ingredients, ending with the mashed squash. When the ice cream is homogeneous, pour it into the ice cream maker! And let the machine do the rest of the work Always in the spirit of "freshness", you can also decorate a mixed salad with squash! The simplest is a grated carrot-grated squash salad with an olive oil-lemon juice-fleur de sel-ginger sauce. Prefer a small squash, such as kabocha squash (Japanese variety of pumpkin).
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