Prune: benefits, constipation, how much per day max?

Prune: benefits, constipation, how much per day max?

Prune is laxative. It should not be abused because it is rich in sugars and can be irritating. Very nutritious, it is one of the most antioxidant fruits. It is interesting to fight against aging and oxidative stress. How to consume it? How much per day, without risk? Precautions and contraindications.

What are the health benefits of prunes?

The plum used to make prunes is the prune d'ente. The prune has properties:

What are the benefits against constipation?

"Prunes are effective in cases of constipation thanks to their fairly high fiber content (consisting mainly of pectins), which play the role of "ballast" for transit. There are between 6 and 7 grams of fiber in a prune" describes Pierre Lafitte, agricultural engineer. The classic dried or rehydrated prune is therefore "useful for transit problems". Nevertheless, "given its high sugar content, it should not be abused: 2 prunes a day are enough, when you cannot eat the fresh fruit, as a 5-day "cure". It may then be interesting to combine prune with tamarind for example, whose fibers also have an effect on transit". This synergy exists "in the form of drinkable ampoules in which we find the pulp of the fruits with their fibers and their trace elements", recommends the expert. As for prune juice, "its effectiveness on transit is recognized at a dose of 3 grams per day".

How many calories?

"Prunes contain almost 60% of carbohydrates", specifies Pierre Lafitte, it is therefore a very sweet food, which should not be abused. 100 grams of prune represent an energy value of 244 calories or kilocalories.

How much maximum per day?

What are the risks if we eat too much?

Prune: benefits, constipation, how much per max day?

Eating 10, 20, 30 prunes a day is an excessive intake of fiber that can irritate the colon, not to mention the excessive intake of sugar.

How to choose them well?

The plum used to make prunes is the prune d'ente, the one used in particular to make "prunes d'Agen - which benefits from an IGP (indication protected area) - and which is the most suitable for drying to keep its organoleptic properties and qualities", indicates the expert. When chosen fresh, "the riper and purplish it is, the richer in antioxidant and flavor it is." The small waxy white veil called "bloom" sometimes observed on the surface of the fruit is a natural protection to protect itself from the heat. The presence of this bloom is rather a guarantee of fruit quality. Prunes can be eaten dry, fresh (prune d'ente), candied, in juice or in a decoction, preferably organically grown.

What contraindications?

People with diabetes should take into account the high sugar content in prunes. Similarly, people with fragile intestines should not abuse it.

Thanks to Pierre Lafitte, agricultural engineer and expert in Les Trois Chênes natural food supplements.

Prunes: benefits, constipation, how much per day max?

Health benefitsConstipationCaloriesQuantity per dayRisks if we eat too muchChoose them wellContraindicationsWhat are the health benefits of prunes?The plum used to make...

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