Baby milk powder, also bad for the environment

Baby milk powder, also bad for the environment

The World Health Organization recommends that young mothers breastfeed their child exclusively until at least the sixth month of the child. A better option for health, more economical … But also much lighter from an environmental point of view.

1 kilo of milk powder requires 4,700 litres of water

Une étude publiée en octobre 2019 dans le British medical Journal montre que l’allaitement exclusif pendant six mois permettait d’économiser environ 100 kg d’équivalent CO2 par rapport au lait en poudre(1). Le lait maternisé est un complément pour les femmes qui ne souhaitent pas ou ne peuvent pas allaiter leur enfant. Or la France est l’un des pays où l’allaitement maternel est le plus bas : seuls 60 % des bébés sont allaités à la naissance ; à trois mois, ce taux chute à 30 %.

A major ecological impact, not to mention hot water ©Syda productions

Le lait en poudre pour bébé, mauvais aussi pour l’environnement

The year 2018 was marked by scandals of contaminated formula; it has long been known that breast milk is better for health than powdered milk, but also more economical. Now we know he's greener.

Formula, an ultra-processed food that is not environmentally friendly

Baby milk powder is usually made from cow's milk, to which are added oils (palm oil, coconut oil, seaweed oil, fish oil), vitamins and minerals. Finally, formula formula is an ultra-processed product, made from ingredients that are not environmentally friendly: cattle farming is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.?

The production of milk powder has a considerable water footprint: it takes 4,700 litres of water to make one kilo of milk powder; how much for one litre of breast milk? to this must be added the bottles of mineral water needed for the manufacture of the bottle, and the heating of the bottle to 70 °C. to this must be added the bottles of mineral water needed for the manufacture of the bottle, and the heating of the bottle to 70 °C.

The green bill increases with the production of waste: plastic, cardboard and aluminium for the manufacture of formula boxes. Breast milk is almost zero waste.

The researchers who oversaw the study therefore conclude that strong support and support for breastfeeding is necessary, both from a health point of view and from an ecological point of view. To this end, it is necessary to better train and inform health professionals, as well as to adapt the working environment to the needs of breastfeeding. A major but necessary development.

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Illustration bannière : Lait en poudre bébé – © Dragana Gordic
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