Photos: Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Beyoncé… These stars who have complexes!

Photos: Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Beyoncé… These stars who have complexes!

Kim Kardashian
Blake Lively

Blake Lively: Blake Lively complexed by her belly after pregnancy?In any case, she had to follow a strict diet after her first child.But apart from her little container, her biggest complex was her nose, that she had her breasts redone.

Beyoncé: Yes!The goddess of the R'n'b is not perfect (unlike us).His complexes?His feet, his nose and especially his excessive sweating ...

Kim Kardashian: In an interview for Marie Claire, Kimi gives us one of his biggest complexes: """"When you look at photos of me in 2007/2008, I had a deformity hair implantation, so I redone it in the laser.""""Perfection obliges, when you are all the time under the spotlight!

Kate Moss: This is one of the most famous tops in the world, and yet she qualifies her too arched legs herself.

Kylie Jenner: The big Kylie complex?Her lips, she did not support them so much that she decided to have them redone.

Olivia Wilde: When Olivia Wilde met her current companion, Jason Sudeikis, she did not feel beautiful enough to please a man of this scale ... It is to wonder if the pretty young lady has already looked at a mirror!

Chrissy Teigen: Since she gave birth, Chrissy Teigen no longer feels comfortable in bikini.But she told Marie Claire magazine: """"I feel good in my clothes"""".Phew!

Jessica Alba: In an interview for Health, the American actress confides: """"I was too critical of my body when he was magnificent (...) Now, I am much more confident, what is the point of taking itHead all day for something that doesn't really matter? """"True.

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— BsPlayer Thu Sep 03 13:21:34 +0000 2015

Rihanna: We learn in an interview for E!that as 47% of us, the singer makes sport every day to maintain her forms.""""All women do that, after sport we look in front of a mirror to look at our buttocks saying, are they bigger today? No, they are still so flat.""""

Miley Cyrus : """"Du temps d’Hannah Montana, je me sentais mal dans ma peau, je ressemblais à quelqu’un que je n’étais pas"""" a t-elle déclaré à Marie Claire. """"Quand je n’étais pas en spectacle, je me demandais : Qui suis-je ?""""

Victoria Beckham: In a letter she wrote was little, the woman who is married to the most desired man in the world describes herself as a dodue teenager and full of acne.Like what, you should never lose hope.

Kendall Jenner : Kendall est très complexée par son poids, elle se livre pour Harper's Bazaar Arabia :""""J’essaie de prendre du poids, mais mon corps ne me le permet pas…""""

Gigi Hadid: In a long interview for Wmagazine, the beautiful model describes the fashion world as a cruel world, where no one hesitates to tell you about your faults. C'est ce qui a permit à Gigi Hadid de se dépasser et de faire du regard des autres une force plutôt qu'une faiblesse : """"Au travail, vous avez intérêt à être la personne la plus gentille et la plus travailleuse sinon, il y aura toujours une personne plus jolie qui prendra ta place.""""

>> Et vous, avez-vous les mêmes complexes que votre star préférée ?

See also: 15 stars natural!


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