The new outbreak of butter prices worries the bakers
According to the dairy interprofession (CNIEL), the prices of butter and milk powder took 30 % in the past four months.
Ouest-France Guillaume LE DU. Publié le"The price of butter and skimmed milk powder increased by 30 % between September and December 2021," said Benoît Rouyer, an economist at CNIEL, the dairy interprofession, during his recent study of conjuncture.This outbreak of butter lessons around € 6,000 per tonne recalls that of 2017 (record of € 7,000 per ton) but does not accompany shortage.Craft and industrial bakers (CNPBF and FEB), however, wrote to the government last week to request an "emergency meeting with all players in the sector (farmers, dairy, craftsmen, industrialists and distribution) in order toSecure supplies ".
Increase in charges
According to the CNIEL, courses are called upon to remain high in the first quarter of 2022."Given French, European and global milk collections which were to be limited at the end of the year or even at the beginning of 2022, the availability in butter could remain low and the courses maintain at high levels," said the'dairy interprofession.Chinese demand (+20 %) has contributed to inflation while the dairy supply is not very dynamic.Milk producers are not encouraged to produce more milk to their cows due to the increase in charges (energy, food), "+11 % over a year," said Benoît Rouyer.
The drop in French dairy collection even reached 2.5 % in November and December according to Franceagimer whose survey of monthly prices reveals that the ton of milk was paid € 357 on average in October 2021 (+25 € perreport to October 2020).Problem: Large distribution did not spend price increases on the shelves (-1 to +1 %)."There is a strong risk of compression of margins in terms of production and processing," concludes Benoît Rouyer.
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