Milk, good or bad for our children?-

Milk, good or bad for our children?-

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableLe lait de vache pourrait-il avoir des effets dangereux sur notre santé et celles de nos enfants ? Les réponses à vos questions.

Milk, pillar of modern diet

We still distributed not so long ago milk in primary schools by praising its merits with great advertising: "Growth, strength, intellectual power are guaranteed by milk!Suddenly, when Thierry Souccar accuses this pillar of modern diet of causing allergies, ENT, osteoporosis and diabetes diseases, the scientific journalist throws a pavement in the pond.In his book*, he attacks in particular the health message of the National Nutrition Health Program (PNNS), broadcast since 2001 with the general public via the Ministry of Health, which affirms: "For your health, consume three or four productsdairy per day." " It's too much !challenge the journalist.No one, in the history of humanity, has swallowed three to four dairy products a day!Make milk an essential food on the pretext that the calcium it contains makes us good bones seems unreasonable to me.Drunted by these "revelations" which imply that milk is not the one to claim, many parents wonder.To help them see more clearly, the explanations of our specialist.

Can I give milk to Leo without any risk?

No serious study demonstrates the toxicity of milk.We accuse him of provoking ear infections, we question his benefits on osteoporosis ... But none of this could be proven to date.On the other hand, what we know is that with small-ups, cheeses and yogurts, milk belongs to a group of foods that bring essential nutrients (proteins, calcium, vitamins B, A…) To the body of a child.And it's a great source of calcium to ensure its growth and bone mineralization.But beware: if it seems dangerous to scratch this food from the menus of toddlers, there is no need to overdose their diet in milk and dairy products.The PNNS recommends a daily contribution of 500 mg of calcium for children under 3 years old, no need to consume more.

Vidéo du jour :

How much does it need to get its 500 mg of calcium per day?

400 to 500 ml of milk, it's good.If he still appreciates this "drink", you can for example give him a 250 ml bottle at breakfast and another 200 ml to the snack.

Growth milk or cow's milk, which one is of better quality?

Le lait, bon ou mauvais pour nos enfants ? -

Rest assured, the two are of good quality.Growth milk is simply more suited to the needs of your little one than cow's milk.Indeed, it contains 24 times more iron than cow's milk (gold, 25 to 30 % of children have iron deficiencies!), 7 times more essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) and vitaminE.Conversely, its protein level is reduced (2 g/100 ml less) so as not to overload the body.The daily consumption of 500 ml of growth milk thus covers all of the calcium and iron needs of a child from 1 to 3 years old, half of his magnesium and vitamin D needs and a quarter of his energy needs.If its price is too high for your budget (about € 2 per liter, more than double than for whole cow's milk), nothing prevents you from giving your child over 1 year of whole milk (and not half-Crémé!) And to add iron in food supplement.As for essential fatty acids (vegetable oils), and vitamin E (whole cereals, wheat germ, green vegetables, fatty fish, avocado, kiwi), they will be in the rest of its diet if you vary its menus.

If he likes yogurts, cheese...I give them in addition to its 500 ml of milk?

Nope.If your little gourmet feasts with a dessert yogurt, this dairy must be counted as part of its daily portion of 500 ml of milk.It's easy.Sit with the equivalences.For example, in terms of calcium intake, 150 ml of milk = 1 natural yogurt, or 3 small-up, or 100 g of white cheese, or 20 to 30 g emmental.So you just have to give your toddler its 250 ml bottle of milk in the morning, replace that of snack with natural yogurt and make it taste a cheese lichette at noon to achieve around 500 ml of milkRecommended per day.

A "milk and chocolate" bar counts for a dairy?

Attention !Even if the pubs praise their content of milk and calcium, these treats do not enter the category of dairy products.They contain 4 to 6 times more fat, 2 to 4 times more sugars and 4 times less calcium than 250 ml of milk!He can revel in it, but occasionally.

If my child is intolerant to lactose milk, I find it where, calcium?

Lactose, milk sugar, should be split into two molecules (glucose and galactose) before being absorbed.This digestion is done thanks to lactase, an enzyme present in the small intestine.It is when this enzyme is absent or deficient in the body that lactose intolerance manifests itself.Fortunately, it remains completely exceptional before the age of 4.If, nevertheless, this happens, no need to completely remove milk: by limiting it to the morning bottle, for example, an intolerant child can support it.In this case, it is then necessary to favor yogurts (more digestible because their bacteria promote the decomposition of lactose).And introduce dairy products not alone but during meals: mixed with other foods, lactose is better assimilated, and therefore more quickly "evacuated".

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