Make the galette des rois by Cyril Lignac at home

Make the galette des rois by Cyril Lignac at home

For the Epiphany, reproduce the recipe for the galette des rois by Cyril Lignac to impress all your table.This almond delight is simply irresistible and we always ask for a part! The chef revisits this classic pastry, with tips and subtleties that will leave you an unforgettable taste in the mouth.Star of the small screen and stoves, Cyril Lignac continues to accompany you in your kitchen and get you in grade.To your aprons!

Follow the steps of chef Cyril Lignac for this recipe for galette des rois à l'Amande simply exceptional.Credit: @cyrillignac

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Where does the galette des rois come from?

After the Christmas party, the Epiphany comes to start the year in gluttony and nobody escapes it.Slide a bean bearing the image of your choice in the almond paste, commonly known as frangipane, and let it be younger distributing the shares by hiding under the table, chance will name the king of the meal!This tradition of the galette des rois is becoming its origin in antiquity.Indeed, the Romans named a slave like king for a day, to counter the plans of Saturn, their deity.Later, Christians inherited this celebration to celebrate the arrival of the Magi Kings and even Louis XIV was not derogated from the rule.Today, everyone gives the galette des rois their own interpretation, this is an opportunity to share a warm moment and appreciate the quality of the meal.The Brioche des Rois, also called the crown of kings, meets a franc-succès in the south of France, thanks to its ornaments in fruit paste and its hyper-soft brioche paste.The galette des rois, also called a Parisian galette, is rather elaborate from two puff pastry, filled with frangipane.In these two versions, a bean is slipped inside.Cook the second house option, inspiring the advice of chef Cyril Lignac to hit your next family meal.Make a galette des rois gourmet at home thanks to the recipe of chef Cyril Lignac.Credit: Pixabay

Make a galette des rois like Cyril Lignac

If almond powder is essential for frangipane, some offer chocolate cuisine for the famous pancake or slide fruit paste or directly from almonds.It is even possible to pour a touch of rum into a vanilla pastry cream, to imitate the greatest chefs and pieces of apples.Raspberry fodder is rarer, but allows you to vary the pleasures and renew yourself.To stay in a winter spirit and the Christmas atmosphere, the galette des rois aux chests or flavors gingerbread are just as dreaming.Everyone has their own tip to make the recipe for this essential dessert of French cuisine unique.In the end, this post Christmas pie ends up always devoured.Cyril Lignac delighted us in all in the kitchen, this time he offers us his own version of the galette des rois, this unbeatable classic of French tables, which we taste the first Sunday in January.He likes the pancake, when it is well done, with butter in it and a good almond pastry cream, faster to prepare than frangipane!Cyril Lignac accompanies budding cooks by showing a kitchen easy to reproduce at home and that's all we love.Soft, tender and fragrant, it's a chef recipe, no doubt!

Prepare all your ingredients to reproduce the galette des rois from Cyril Lignac to almond, a real delight!Credit: Istock.

The galette des rois à l'Amande

Réalisez la galette des rois de Cyril Lignac à la maison

For 4 people of preparation: 35 minutes cooking time: 40 minutes for all budgets: puff pastry: - 2 rolls of puff pastry - 1 egg - 1 egg yolk - 1 tablespoon of water water

Almond cream: -100g of almond powder-12g of corn starchness or cream powder-80g icing sugar-20g of almond milk-80g of butter at room temperature-60g of eggs:-100g of water-100g of sugar

Preparation :

1.Preheat the oven to 200 ° C first.

2.Then mix the icing sugar, almond powder and cornstarch.In a second bowl, mix the butter with the powders thanks to the drummer.Add the eggs gradually, then finish by pouring the almond milk.Keep the preparation at room temperature.

3.You can then mix the egg, as well as the egg yolk and water.Keep everything cool.

4.Then put the sugar and water in a saucepan to form the syrup.Heat until boiling and set aside.

5.Share the puff pastry in two circles for a diameter of 18 to 22 cm.

6.On a baking baking sheet, arrange a silicone sheet (or a sheet of parchment paper), and place a circle of puff pastry.Stealing with almond cream.Top the second circle of dough and close the edges together.Make shapes using a knife around the pancake.Using a brush, brown your cake with the egg mixture.You can crisscross the cake on top for the decorative and traditional touch.

7.Bake for 40 minutes.Once the cooking is finished, brown again with the syrup on the entire surface.You can then let cool at room temperature.

To perfect your galette des rois

Do not hesitate to make the puff pastry yourself the day before, to make more authentic and 100% homemade your special epiphany scented pastry.The puff pastry delivers a crisp and drier side, in opposition to the almond garnish.Put all the odds on your side to succeed in this ultra gourmet recipe.1 teaspoon of vanilla in the recipe for the puff pastry insert a second bean in this cake in the oven to elect the queen of the cake and do not forget to find a pair of crowns of kings.Whether you have the bean or not, you will become the king of pastry, thanks to the great tips of the star chef of all in the kitchen.This gourmet recipe is also taken from the successful show on M6.If you have had the chance to see the recipe live, you will be able to reproduce as well as him this original pancake.We bet you will start this holiday delight over once!And if you want to change, discover the recipe for the Comtoise pancake for the Epiphany! Use a rolling pin to apply the puff pastry of the galette des rois, homemade it's even better.Credit: Greenart

What drink to accompany the galette des rois?

Sweet and white wine are often matched for an unforgettable taste experience.If Christmas has already exhausted all your resources, here are some sweet suggestions to match your galette des rois, to complete this great festive snack.Find the perfect agreement for this delicious cuisine and succeed until the end of this Epiphany pie.A young and lively vintage will do wonders!To make your cake more festive, opt among others for a white wine like Chardonnay or a effervescent bottle to stay in the theme of celebrations.Cyril Lignac's recipe is already creamy and generous, counterbalance with a lighter and less sweet drink to avoid weighing down your bite.A very French Crémant can make your meal more traditional and make you appreciate good things, well from our home.Close to Champagne thanks to its effervescent side, choose half a sec to get married perfectly with your almond dessert.To follow with a effervescent decoction, we turn to a Clairette, ideal for sweet sweets and add a festive touch to finish in style the gourmet festivities.Cider, usually served with pancakes, is also offered with desserts in general and pleases children.A sweet cider is already sweet and will delight the whole family.On the fruit juice side, apple juice or grape juice are adequate, preferably without added sugar.

For a brioche cake, we rather lean for a Pinot Noir or a more sweet wine like the Jurançon, essential at the holiday tables.In short, choose a drink that can balance your dessert without removing anything from its aromas.Treat yourself !

Choose the best festive drink to savor your galette des Rois part.Credit: Pixabay