Jacques -Alain Miller, docile to trans - the rule of the game - literature, philosophy, politics, arts
The storm broke out.The trans crisis is on us.Trans are in the transes (let's do it right away, that one, it was expected) while among the shrinks, pro-trans and anti-trans are used with the enthusiasm of the supporters of the big end and the smallBout in Gulliver.
I'm Joking.
Precisely, what indecency to Joke, laugh and make fun, when the stakes of this war of ideas are the most serious that is, and that it is nothing less than our civilization, and its famous discomfort, or discomfort, diagnosed by Freud in the early 1930s of the last century.Does satirical mode suit such a serious material?Certainly not.So I make amends honorable.I will not be taken up there.
I wrote "War of ideas."This is the title of the last book by Eugénie Bastié.He came back unexpectedly.I don't think we find there once the word "trans".The book ends with the news of radical feminism and the war of the sexes.Since this young and pretty mother is also the smartest of Journalists, it is assured that the outbreak of the French trans crisis is after the writing of the work.Let us find the date of the release in bookstore, and we will know that, three months earlier, this crisis was not yet perceptible to a media look as sharp as that of Eugénie B.
Let's see.I pre -ordered the war of ideas by Amazon.Investigation at the heart of the French intelligentsia, and I was delivered on March 11.So, at the beginning of this year, the Trans had not yet entered what the author, author, author, calls "public debate.He was invisible, or invised, to use a word dear to dear decolonials and other wokes.Or, perhaps we were all, not authors, authors, authors, but many ostriches?
Another pun!I am relaxing!Incorrigible!I plead guilty.But with extenuating circumstances: a difficult childhood, an addiction to the signifier, pernicious influences.I cannot go any more in the trans question without pleading my cause.
Pro Domo plea
From a very young age, I liked to play with and on the names and the words.For example, Gérard, my younger brother, I called him Géraldine.He did not become trans, and he has his beard today on all televisions.I got to read From a very young age, and what were my first favorite books?The Journey to the center of the earth, of Jules Verne, and the Golden Scarab, Edgar Poë, two stories of secret message to decipher.I loved the lists of Rabelais, the pranks of Molière, the Bouffonneries of Voltaire, the litanies of Hugo, the absurdities of Alphonse Allais (not the "philosophy of the absurd" of Camus), the cellars of the Vatican, ofGide (no terrestrial foods), the "exquisite corpse" of the surrealists, the "style exercises" of Queneau et Compagnie.
When I suspect Latin, I read the classics, well forced, but secretly cherished the Juvenal satires.Not being Hellenist (my father had demanded that I learn Spanish, "so widespread in the world"), I only read Lucien de Samosate that in French.I never missed in the duck chained the counter-details of "the countess's album".I read Freud's book very early on the Witz.
So I was little brought to the spirit of seriousness.I only respected anyone, only the great writers, the great philosophers, the great artists, the great warriors and statesmen, or rather state personalities, poets and mathematicians.I had even designed Stendhal "enthusiasm" for mathematics, I may also come to me From "my horror for hypocrisy.»»
Then, at the age of twenty, I had the misfortune to fall into the rets of a doctor, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, 63, known as the white wolf to be a black sheep.Over time, he became a scales (transition!). Il habitait un entresol sombre et très bas de plafond, un terrier, un véritable antre, dans un immeuble du VIIe arrondissement où avait vécu le banquier d’Isidore Ducasse, ce qui fait que c’est le seul lieu de Paris dont on est sûr qu’il reçut la visite de Lautréamont.Dr. Lacan, because it is him that I speak, made a big case because. Il me l’apprit la première fois qu’il me reçut dans son cabinet, dont l’exiguïté rendait impossible toute « distanciation sociale»» entre les corps, obligeait à une proximité oppressante.
This irregular character, out of normeal, did not hide his game.My Stendhalian horror for hypocrisy found nothing to blame him.He was a devil with an open face, who ostensibly made fun of everything, hear everything that was not him and was not his cause.In the era of benevolence, he did not hesitate to say to his seminar: "I have no good intentions.»» La seule fois où il parla à la télévision Française, à une heure de grande écoute, il dit, parlant de l’analyste comme d’un saint : « (…) se foutre aussi de la Justice distributive, c’est de là que souvent il est parti.»» Il poussa l’impudence Jusqu’à se vanter en public, peu de temps avant sa mort, d’avoir passé sa vie à « être Autre malgré la loi.»» Comble d’infortune pour moi, non seulement il m’abrita sous son aile, aile noire, aile démoniaque, mais Je devins son parent : il m’accorda la main de l’une de ses filles, celle qui avait comme de Juste la beauté du diable, et qu’il avait prénommée Judith, Jouant là aussi cartes sur table : l’homme qui Jouirait d’elle devait savoir qu’il le payerait d’un destin digne d’Holopherne.
How does he grab me?By putting me in my hands the foundations of arithmetic, Gottlob Frege, Die Grunlagen der Arithmetik, 1884, logicist development of the concept of the number (according to him, arithmetic was based on logic.) Himself, Lacan, had embezzled three years earlier to demonstrate to his followers the similarity which existed between the dynamic genesis of the suite of natural integers (0,1,2, 3, etc..) at Frege and the course of what he himself called a signifying chain."They have hindered only Pouic-" he said-"let's see if you will do better.»» Mon exposé simplet me valut un triomphe parmi les psychanalystes, ses disciples, et suscita simultanément bien des Jalousies de leur part : « Mais comment a-t-il fait ? Et dire qu’il n’est même pas en analyse !»» Et Je n’étais même pas encore « le gendre»», bien qu’une idylle se soit nouée, discrète, entre Judith et moi.
Philippe Sollers, prince des Lettres qui commençait de suivre le Séminaire de Lacan, « charmant, Jeune, traînant tous les cœurs après soi»», me demanda mon texte pour sa revue Tel Quel.I had the Front to refuse him, wanting to reserve him at the first issue, gnawed at the normal school, of the notebooks for the analysis, which I had Just founded with three comrades, Grosrichard, Milner and Regnault.A fourth, on the other hand, Bouveresse, member of the same circle of epistemology, still fulminated twenty years later, passed teacher at the Collège de France, against the cheek that I had to lacanize the sacrosanct of logicians.Derrida, meanwhile, my caiman (repeater) of philosophy, made a pout: he Judged my demonstration abntine (he was little ferré in mathematical logic). Curieusement, par des voies que J’ignore, mon petit exposé de rien du tout, intitulé « La suture»», devint aux États-Unis un classique des études cinématographiques (?).
Thus the world went when the severe structuralism of Roman Jakobson and Claude Lévi-Strauss went to the state of intellectual epidemic in Paris and surroundings.The episode made my reputation, that of an early genius of Lacanian studies.I was forever pinned like a butterfly on the album of the Parisian intelligentsia: Papilio Lacanor Perinde Ac Cadaver.This is how I found myself at the mercy of Jacques Marie Émile Lacan, a great sinful of men in Front of the Lord.
Fifty years after the facts, it is time that metoo I have confession.Horresco Referens, it is awful to say, but I was, for years, victim on the part of my stepfather, of abuse of unnameable and incessant authority, both public and private, constitutive of a real offense ofMoral and spiritual incest.I yielded to stronger than me.I even consented - shame!As Adèle Haenel would say - to take some pleasure, a certain pleasure.I remained divided forever.
The monster having passed the weapon on the left ago forty years ago, the proceedings that I will be attending will have only a symbolic significance, but oh so decisive to heal the wounds of the soul and repair the damage made to my esteem ofme.
I reserve for the Judicial authorities the details of the testimony that I bring.But I want us to know: as it was the dust that composed it which spoke through the mouth of Saint-Just, braving persecution and death, not forget, reader, that it is at PROUD Victim,a proud victim, who speaks through mine."But I challenge that I tear myself away From this independent life that I gave myself in the centuries and in heaven.»»
Let's go back to our trans.These are victims.Like me.
Trans revolt
It must be believed that the current leaders of the school of the Freudian cause, which was once worn by me and by mine on the baptismal font before being adopted by Lacan, had a fine nose, since they invited to take theWord at the 2019 School annual days, in the large amphitheater of the Palais des Congrès in Paris, the famous Trans Paul B.Preciado, pek of the WOKE media, which accepted good grace.
Why this unprecedented invitation that made the psychiatrist Jump?The trans crisis had not yet exploded, but it was predictable.Indeed, to take things From high, to follow over the long term the process which culminates today in France in the revolt of the trans, what do we see?
Let's say quickly.We must remember that the patients, our patients, all these suffering people who presented themselves to be taken care of by caregivers - whatever they are: nurses, doctors, pharmacists, surgeons, dentists, acupunctors, osteopaths, physiotherapistsPsychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, up to psychopumps, without counting the rebouteux, clairvoyants, witches, so deeply scrutinized once by a Jeanne Favret-Saada then Lacanian in a memorable study, the marabouts, healers, disenchanted, etc.., sans nous oublier nous autres, not least, les psychanalystes, lacaniens et autres – cette masse, donc, de demandeurs de soin était restée médusée durant des millénaires devant le « savoir-pouvoir»» (Foucault) des dispensateurs de soin.She was only entitled to be silent, except among the shrinks, of course, and other charlatans of everything.
A new paradigm appeared after WW2.They were blowing them, at these dominated, day after day, year after year, left governments, right -wing governments, center governments: "Talk!"Don't let yourself go!You have rights.To be sick, you are nonetheless citizens. Faites comme tout le monde :plaignez-vous ! revendiquez ! demandez des comptes ! faîtes-vous rembourser ! faîtes-vous dédommager ! C’en est fini de la dictature sanitaire ! Place à la démocratie sanitaire !»»
« Que pensez-vous qu’il arriva ?»»
« Que pensez-vous qu’il arriva ?»» Le peuple obtempéra : il se révolta. Les « trans»» et leurs alliés reçurent le message cinq sur cinq, et ils le poussent maintenant Jusqu’à ses conséquences dernières.Often, to rebel, it takes an encouragement, even an inJunction From above, From the large headquarters.Example: the Chinese cultural revolution.It was the guidelines of President Mao who trained through the immense country the bands of red guards who put the souk throughout society.
En France, les pouvoirs publics firent de leur mieux pour, mirent tout leur cœur à, dégommer l’antique « suJet supposé savoir»» qui régissait l’ordre médical. Que se passe-t-il ? Le S puissance 3 se retrouve à la ramasse, démonétisé, lacéré, essoré, torturé, mis à genoux, coiffé d’un bonnet d’âne, traîné dans les rues sous les lazzis, Jeté par la fenêtre.He falls like Humpty Dumpty at the foot of the wall behind which the suffering populations were parked, and here he is in a thousand pieces, Humpty.The wall in turn collapses.The prisoners are beautiful.It’s everywhere the night of August 4, the end of the medical and nursing privilege.And the order made Plouf!- Who once, and again, Cahinca, prevailed in ass business.
HUMPTY DUMPTY on her wall
HUMPTY DUMPTY Sat on Wall.HUMPTY DUMPTY HAD A GREAT FALL.All The King’s Horses and All The King’s Mencouldn’t Put Humpty Dumpty Together Again.
HUMPTY DUMPTY was sitting on a wall HUMPTY DUMPTY made a great fall in the king's horses, nor all her men were able to hand over HUMPTY DUMPTY FULL
Respect and kindness
In ass business, that is to say, in the field of sexuality if you prefer to speak gourmed, it is now the brothel.Everything is now there below below.The butler and his menades put a bazaar not possible there.I cooked Éric Marty for three good hours, I did not get to the end of the mysteries of the Gender.The mysteries of Pompeii, it's little beer, next to it.In short, they come down to: "The phallus," I tell you.»» « Phalle, tu guideras nos pas»», comme Jadis Zimmerwald.But gender?Component.Everyone loses the north.No more dupes of nothing, people wander.This is the night when all cats are gray, as in the absolute of Schelling mocked by Hegel.Still, everyone is talking about it.Everyone has their idea.Gender is now obvious to "contemporary subJect.»»
My grandson, the last of the Miller, the youngest heir to the name, 16 years old, green activist, melted in mathematical physics and the search for lost time, tears me on the Gender.He has trans Friends in class.Here are half a century ago, I was in the same high school, at the same age, and there was no trans among us, at most one or two dandys a little androgynous on the edges that dandy-born to amusethe gallery.We were between boys.No girls, no trans.My generation had still worn the blouse in the eighth class.We wrote with a sergeant-maJor feather, the pen pitch was prohibited.It was the Middle Ages.
The grandson: "You must not say, Jacques-Alain, that he became a girl.It's annoying for him.No, he's a girl.- And when your big Friend so well turned to you tells you that he is a girl, what do you do?- I welcome what he tells me with respect and kindness.»» Fermez le ban. « No pasaran ?»» Ils et elles han pasado, sont bel et bien passé(e)s. « E pur si muove !»» (la phrase est apocryphe), ce qui veut dire : en dépit de toutes les inquisitions, de toutes les démonstrations, le gender, ça tourne ! Une chatte n’y retrouve pas ses petits ? Ce n’est pas un problème.The less clear, the better it works, precisely.And it takes everything in its path.
National Public Health Policy since 1945 has made the way to the trans revolt.A chronology is to be reconstituted, step by step.Before expanding on the causes of the event, above all let's not deviate From the facts-unlike Jean-Jacques in his discourse on the origin and the foundations of inequality among men.It is, I believe, the writing that I reread the most in my adolescence, between 14 and 18 years old.The title re-emerged during my analysis, in a dream, in the form: "... of the inequality between men and women.»» L’inconscient m’avait interprété.Opportunity for the analysand that I was of an inextinguishable laugh, followed by the recognition at home of a machine hidden behind the mother's bias.In my childhood indeed, when my father made my mother cry who suffered From his compulsive donJuanism - which he kept like Swann until his disappearance, at 93 -, I decidedly leaned for her side, I was theLittle white knight to his mom.
The chivalrous fantasy in humans has since been pinned and classified.White Knight has recently become an expression used to stigmatize the saviors of women in distress, and all those who declare themselves From the Gender Equality to stigmatize, under the underneath, to give in all the privileges to the female gender.It is not clinicians who have isolated the phenomenon, but male activists, defenders of a threatened virility, they believe, by the progress of feminism.They are grouped in the mgtow masculine movement, for Men Going Their Own Way - About: "Men who follow their own path.»»
Le mot « Way»» a tout son poids.We remember Sinatra Crooner whispering My Way. Il y a aussi l’expression idiomatique américaine, « My way or the highway»». On traduit : « C’est à prendre ou à laisser»», « Tu fais comme Je dis ou tu dégages»», etc.The expression gave its title to the song of a so-called pimp-rock group (Rock des Macqueraux).Mgtow is sort of the tao of the machos.
The group of Macs is called Limp Bizkit, and I learn by questioning Google that this name is a deformation of a limp cookie, either "soft cookie.»» Hautement suggestif.Having the soft cookie probably means for a mac horror, unemployment, shame.This appointment is therefore apotropaic: the curse of the mere fact of assuming it with pride.This is what the homos did with the insult "queer.»»
There is more: by consulting The Urban Dictionary, whose reading is always a more enJoyment because of the extraordinary inventiveness of street speaking in the United States, I come across the expression penis cookie,which designates a certain practice involving the foreskin.Go see it for yourself, because, as we once did in order to veil the obscenities, I could not reproduce the definition without translating it into Latin, and my khâgne being very far, I no longer immediatelyprovision the vocabulary that should be.
The fact remains that it is enough to follow on the Mgtow web.com, the site responsible for disseminating the philosophy of the movement and its main activities, to verify that it develops, as Wikipedia says, a misogynistic, antitif and hateful ideology.We don't have the equivalent in France yet.
I only see the discourse of a Zemmour which could pass, if necessary, for the prefiguration of such a movement, or rather for the expression of desire that it exists.But the French polemicist remains a shy masculineist, who is far From manifesting the place of women the detestation - very argued, it must be recognized - that he dedicates to colored minorities which in his eyes infest the country and lead it tothe ruin.He sees in the French Muslims of future dominant, and he shares the maJority Koufar by predicting him that she will become inexorably minority.What is sensitive is that his rhetoric is modeled on that of these decolonials, people of the genre and woke that he dedicates to the gemonies.He Just reverses him.This is the era that wants that: the same thought structure imposes itself on everyone, you, me.It’s the spirit of time, zeitgeist.
The axiom of supremacy
If I focus on Mgtow, it is that we see at work in this movement, and as in the open, several of the constitutive axioms of the paradigm shift of new times.The word is From Kuhn, the idea owes a lot to Foucault, which is itself indebted to Koyré, I do not go back higher.
What is the initial notion of this paradigm change?Let's hypothesize that it is distributive inJustice.This very old notion here takes the form of what I will call the axiom of supremacy.It is understood that society is From top to bottom structured by a matrix of domination, domination being an asymmetrical relationship between two opposite sign powers (binarism!).With Mgtow, they are not the capitalists and proletarians, neither the elites and the people, nor the Franks and the Gauls, what do I still know, they are more simply women and men.
According to Mgtow, it is women who hold the upper hand in society.This runs for their exclusive benefit, and to the detriment of men.They have, pegged to the body, the desire and the intention of scoring, spoiling and castrating men (Lacan, let's admit, sometimes went in this direction, but hush! I will not launch this without many precautions).
As soon as we decide to identify them, the evidence of female supremacy is innumerable: during divorces or separations, the courts regularly benefit the second sex;On the faith given eyes closed to female speech, men are attributed without proof harassment, incests and rapes, while there is no one to write out the outraged male innocence.Everything conspires to depreciate, ridicule and drive out the virile values.
With us, an Alain Juppé-the well-named by Antiphrase-has suffered for years for having saved once, when he was Prime Minister: "I am.right in my boots.»» J’eus l’occasion de lui dire un Jour de vive voix dans son bureau de la mairie de Bordeaux – où Je venais lui demander son aide pour contrer les entreprises d’un hiérarque de son parti qui voyait dans le fait qu’il n’y avait pas de diplôme d’État de psychanalyse un « vide Juridique»» à combler – que l’époque ne permettait plus à un homme politique de Jouer les fiers-à-bras en parlant de ses bottes et de son « se tenir droit»» comme un phallus érigé, alors que le Nom-du-Père avait depuis longtemps déJà quitté l’affiche de nos sociétés pour se voir remplacé par le Désir de la Mère.A few years later, the psychoanalyst-Journalist Michel Schneider, although Anti-Lacanien Rabid, had to baptize the metaphorical signifier with an Orwellian nickname: Big Mother.
In Macron, France was to elect a son of the most beautiful water four years ago, married very clearly beyond Oedipus.
The separation axiom
Does this mean that, From now on, everything will only be benevolence, softness, tenderness, in a word, care?This English word that is translated by care, includes prudence, awareness, to become aware of things, to realize, the attention given to the execution of a task, to provide a living the means to perpetuate oneself in thebe, etc.
Does this mean that we will get out of the supremacist logic by peaceful and legal means, kindly, by diplomacy and transaction, by the palaver, parliament and merchant with the dominant?
It existed. Pensons à la « révolution de velours»» de 1989 en Tchécoslovaquie, la sametovà revoluce.Or at the gentle exit of apartheid in South AFrica, which earned Nelson Mandela and the formerly dominant minority leader, Frederik de Klerk, to Jointly receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.To go back higher in time, the American civil rights movement in the 60s had the song of war the Song We Shall Overcoma, triumph, but its inspiration was nonetheless non-violent, humanist and universalist,As manifested by the Negro Spiritual Kumbaya, My Lord, appeal to God to return (Kumbaya is a corruption of Come Back) to help the interested parties, meet their needs, Take Care in short.
It existed, mais c’était avant le paradigm shift.Since then, the second axiom has irresistibly imposed itself, which I would say of separation.What's he saying ?It stipulates things like these: "You will not have relationships in the opposing part.You will go your way.You will not make it possible.You will cherish like yourself, not your neighbor, but your fellow man.You will like the same as yourself.You will flee the other like Satan.Birds of a feather flock together.That no one is entering here that.»»
If I wanted to please my Argentinian Friends, I would say that it is the axiom perón.Indeed, among the main principles set out by the husband of Evita, there was this: "No Hay Nada MeJor para a peronista qué otro peronista.»» Quel nom propre pourrait être assigné à l’axiome de suprématie ? Aucun nom de marxistes.No, it could be the Gobineau axiom.
Under the influence of the separation axiom, many members of the Mgtow go so far as to reFrain From any sexual trade with the opposite sex, in order to avoid exposing themselves to the inconvenience that awaits those who collaborate with theenemy, in particular these false allegations of which the Mégères de #MeToo are familiar.
The lesbian genius of Alice Coffin, who had a high-corps made almost all the enlightened opinion of the country at the start of the last school year, is only inverted Mgtow: FGTOW, in a way.Nothing but very classic.
Soon, withdrawing From a hideous kingdom, the woman will have Gomorrah and the man will have sodom, and, throwing herself, From afar, an irritated look, the two sexes will die each on their side.
Vigny avait déJà à sa façon ce concept du « monosexuel»» où Foucault, les dernières années de sa vie, plaçait tous ses espoirs de bonheur, et d’où il tirait sa Joie de vivre, comme démontré par Éric Marty dans Le Sexe des Modernes.The box has had the merit of lending its voice to what has whispered since time immemorial in the most respectable and best established lesbian circles.The new one is that these comments formerly whispered in the ear of Friends now come to be vociferated in public and on all waves.Why this new tolerance for intolerance?Because we live under the separation axiom regime.
Et quand Tartuffe et Tartuffa se récrient, crient à l’attentat : « Mon dieu, qu’on nous épargne les goûts dégoutants de ces gouines !»», que leur répondre, sinon : « Zappez, T et T, zappez, bon dieu, si ça vous révulse autant que ça ! Restez entre vous !»»
Valerie Solanas had already said everything in 1967 in the Scum Manifesto: "The" life "in this" society "being, at best, terribly boring, and no aspect of" society "being relevant for women, it remainsTo committed women, responsible and adventurers, that the possibility of overthrowing the government, eliminating the money system, instituting total automation, and eliminating male sex.»» Et pan ! Et pan ! Et pan ! elle tire trois coups de revolver sur Andy Warhol, le pauvre.He almost spent there, and lived his life during the terror of Solanas.She, she got a psychiatric assessment and three years in prison.She died in San Francisco in 1988.In this same city, her play, of which she had given the manuscript to Warhol, Up Your Ass, in your ass, was played for the first time in 2000.According to the Village Voice, she had sworn to eliminate all men From the surface of the earth.Norman Mailer called it the Robespierre of feminism (see Wikipedia).
At this stage, Solanas or Mgtow, everything is still simple.It is the war of the sexes, known since the dawn of time, only heated to white, with real bullet shots (there is yet to signal murders committed by Mgtow, that cannot be long).
This incandescence reflects the irresistible rise, in the time, of the desire for segregation, to name it as well.To parody Sully, supremacism and separatism are the two breasts of segregation.It rolls us in its wave, all as much as we are, the pros, the against, the neutral, the right, the left and the rest.
Un Frisson nouveau
Hugo wrote From Baudelaire to Baudelaire whom he had created "a new thrill.»» C’est ça.
With the entrance to the trans, often colorful character of our human comedy-(the trans at Balzac? Of course, in the species of the androgyne, Séraphitus-Séraphita)-a new thrill passes into civilization.
What the trans brings is a disorder.Not gender disorder, intrinsically confused, but disturbance, rififi, in the immemorial war of the sexes.
Before the trans, the monster, it was hermaphrodite.He also disturbed sexual public order.But hermaphrodism is Just a matter of organs.Hermaphrodite is a biological case, rare, moreover.Androgyny, on the other hand, is a creature of myth, it is a matter of look and lifestyle.An androgyne is someone whose appearance does not allow you to determine which sex it belongs.He was already going to ancient Greece or in Rome: see, From Luc Brisson, uncertain sex.It's not like such a sexual identity disorder.Trans is something else.
Trans prosopopoeia
Like Voltaire, Foucault liked to play the ventriloques.He readily gave his books the floor to interlocutors, contradictors, fictitious.He invented arguments for them, he composed speeches for them, and then abandoned his belly voice to resume his grove voice in order to respond in his own name to his puppets.It uses the process, if my memory is good, From the end of the history of madness.Well, a trans activist today - editor, for example, of one of these sites so well made that have been flourishing on the internet for two years, living trans or seronet - if of adventure he fell in Front of him my eyesConversation with Éric Marty, how would me sermn me?It is up to me to invent it.
My trans imagination would say something like:
"Neither marty, nor you, nor butler, are trans.You talk about trans.Trans are the obJects of your chipping, as they have been for a long time now the obJects of medical discourse, psychiatric discourse, psychoanalytic discourse.Well, it's over, all that.A displacement of forces of a magnitude which you do not imagine, likely to upset culture and civilization, made the trans speaking - as once we took the Bastille, said Michel de Certeau S.J.About May 68.From now on, Trans talk about trans, talk about trans to trans, talk about trans trans to non-trans, who have a lot to learn and a lot to be forgiven. Qui plus qu’un trans est qualifié pour parler d’un trans ?»»
He or she would continue: "Despite what a vain thinks and desires, we will not go back.The genius will not enter the bottle.This is how.You will have to count with us, with our word, with oursensitivity, with our claims and our hopes, with our suffering as we express them with our words and not with yours, which, between us, stink the rancid.You are no longer believed, you are cooked, you are no longer credible. L’un Joue à l’épistémologue, Marty, professeur de littérature, l’autre fait le clinicien, Miller, normalien agrégé de philosophie. Votre épistémologie comme votre clinique ne sont que les déchets d’une idéologie désuète et épuisée, reflétant des structures de domination patriarcale et hétérosexuelle à Jamais caduques.We are no longer the prisoners, the helpless hostages of your detestable "know-how".Words that are ours are not intended to feed your critical ergotages.What you call fierot your "clinic" is only a "human zoo", worthy of those where, in the times of the colonies, you exhibit the unfortunate that you wreakthorn with their Free and wild life, so much more civilized thanyours, to make them foreigners in their own country, natives, and finally fair animals.»»
Conclusion: "You only have one thing to do: shut up.And then, repent.And then, once you have beaten your coulpe, you will get to the Trans school, where you will finally learn who we are, which you have no idea.You will learn in what terms it is necessary to address us, and when we listen to us.You will lose the habit of speaking for us. Et vous tournerez sept fois votre langue dans votre bouche avant de nous contredire, car qui sait mieux que nous ce qu’est notre vécu, notre ressenti trans ?»»
« L’ai-Je bien descendu ?»»
« L’ai-Je bien descendu ?»» La phrase de Cécile Sorel, un soir des années 30, est passée dans l’usage. Elle abandonnait la Comédie-Française pour le Casino de Paris, et Jouait pour la première fois la meneuse de revue, lorsqu’elle apostropha Mistinguett, elle étoile confirmée du music-hall, « les plus belles Jambes du monde»», qui l’observait Jalousement depuis l’avant-scène. Sorel venait en effet de descendre avec aplomb le grand escalier Dorian du Casino, qui, précise Google, « brisa plus d’une cheville et carrière de danseuse légère»».
Et moi, ai-Je Joué le trans sans fausse note, sans me tordre ma cheville de danseuse légère ? – puisque c’est en dansant qu’il convient d’écrire, n’est-ce pas, comme le recommandait après Nietzsche mon bel ami Severo Sarduy, le chéri cubain de François Wahl, éditeur de Lacan au Seuil, et qui fut pour moi, avant la dissolution de l’École Freudienne en 1981, un ami fidèle.
Si maintenant J’étais Mistinguett, et que J’avais à évaluer la prestation de Jam en ventriloque de trans, Je ne lui donnerai pas une si bonne note que ça. Un vrai trans dirait-il que les mots psy « puent le rance»» ? Oui, c’est un fait, beaucoup puent.Where Lacan was blowing on psychiatry and psychoanalysis has not swept away the miasmas, it does not smell good, as Deleuze and Guattari badly said it about the analyst's office. Mais il faut être un familier des lieux comme Je le suis et comme Guattari l’était, pour se permettre de telles grossièretés.A real trans would not say that in these terms, it seems to me.He would be more polite.
Preciado enters the scene
I do not want it as proof that the height of view enhanced in rigor - a rigor certainly a little roid at my will - with which Paul B. Preciado (FtoM) s’adressa au public rassemblé pour les 49e Journées d’études de l’École de la Cause Freudienne.He made meritorious efforts to re -educate us, and convince us that psychoanalysis was lucky to survive only to take it, him and his Friends, for guides, and to abandon his bow to the place of aPatriarchate dead and buried for a long time without us having seen the least in the world.It wasJust under two years ago.Preciado was so happy with himself, if not of us, that he immediately made his conference a book, under a title inspired by Kafka: I am a monster that speaks to you.Report for an academy of psychoanalysts, a book placed under the patronage of Judith Butler, dedication, and which was welcomed by Olivier Nora to the prestigious Grasset editions that he directs.
We can certainly criticize Preciado for having overwhelmed the agreed time for his conference, half an hour, which shortened the half an hour intended for the improvised conversation he had to have on stage withtwo analysts delegated to him by the school.The exchange lasted only eight minutes, shows in hand.However, during this brief moment that he conceded in fine, he was really encouraging for the profession: "I think you will be able to keep your place and the place that you invented historically, insofar as you will be able to enterin dialogue and to be in relation to the present, with contemporary political radicality.»»Courtoise invitation à un aggiornamento.The carrot after the stick.I think like you: the profession has a delay metro.
Your speech of the monster, the stick, you have read it.Harangue sound, activist, vehement.You talked to us as master, in an imprecator, almost in prophet. Cependant, notre collègue Ansermet, un des deux membres de l’ECF chargés de débattre avec vous, psychanalyste lacanien, professeur de pédopsychiatrie de Je ne sais combien de départements et services universitaires et hospitaliers en Suisse, auteur de Je ne sais combien d’ouvrages, et seul membre étranger du Comité d’éthique Français, avait su accueillir votre manifeste avec chaleur et équanimité : « Paul, merci. Nous avons bien saisi que vous aviez d’abord quelque chose à nous dire !»»
Que vous ayez publié ensuite votre conférence sans du tout mentionner l’échange conclusif avec Ansermet, que vous ayez laissé la presse sympathisante vous présenter comme un persécuté, un maudit, hué par un public de demeurés hargneux, Je peux le concevoir (Je sais faire le Suisse, moi aussi, à mes heures, comme Ansermet fait très bien le Français quand il veut).You have an audience to you, and it should not be too disarched by telling him that you were received by attentive practitioners, and devoid of the slightest aggressiveness towards you.The public appreciated the goodwill that you showed by going to our invitation, and warmly applauded your eloquence.Two or three hostile cries were heard, that's right, while your listeners were three thousand five hundred. Et ne me dites pas que chacun voit midi à sa porte : il se trouve que les Journées de l’École sont touJours filmées.
So you cheated, Preciado.I would say it was a good war, if we were at war. Justement, nous ne le sommes pas, même si ça vous irait comme bague au doigt que nous le soyons, car vous avez besoin, n’est-ce pas, de Croquemitaines pour animer votre troupe de trans, qui n’est point du tout tous les trans, mais l’aile marchante d’une communauté qu’elle crée Justement en avançant à marche forcée.
I knew these hopes, me too. Et ils n’étaient pas nombreux, les barbudos, quand ils firent tomber le dictateur Batista à Cuba, et installèrent au pouvoir la famille Castro, qui y est touJours, 1959-2021.So all hopes are allowed to you.
A dizzying demography
Des trans, vous savez, Preciado, de quelque nom qu’on les appelle, nous en rencontrons plus souvent qu’à notre tour, comme analystes et comme psychiatres, surtout maintenant que leur nombre ne cesse de croître, conformément à la rédaction sacerdotale du Pentateuque : « Soyez féconds et multipliez»», des verbes parah et rabah (Genèse, I, 28).I tell you right away that on this point my science is new, and comes From a recent article in the new theological review, due to Father Maurice Gilbert, S. J., former rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome.
Celui-ci note à ce propos qu’une tradition rabbinique veut que les inJonctions de Gn I, 28 ne s’adressent qu’aux hommes, c’est-à-dire ne s’adressent pas aux femmes. Comment diable voulaient-ils s’y prendre pour « multiplier»» ? Je n’en sais pas plus long.Mystery and gumdrop.
Une homélie dont on ne sait si elle est de Basile ou de Grégoire de Nysse, aJoute au binôme verbal une inJonction troisième : « Et remplissez la terre.»» On ne peut pas dire que les Juifs aient bénéficié de ces recommandations. Et même si on leur prête parfois d’avoir main mise sur le monde, ce n’est qu’une goutte d’eau ils ne sont que 14 millions en tout et pour tout, quand les musulmans sont 1,6 milliard, et seront près de 3 milliards en 2050, faisant alors Jeu égal avec les chrétiens, qui sont, eux, à 2 milliards et quelques auJourd’hui.At the same time, the Jews will have believed only 2 million.My figures date From 2010, but the source is reliable (the Pew Research Center).
A curious intertworthy, would have said Foucault. A mesure que fléchit la démographie du petit « peuple élu»», « le peuple trans»», lui, prend la relève, et semble bien parti pour « remplir la terre.»» Tous les indicateurs vont dans le même sens : de plus en plus de personnes dans le monde se sentent et se disent trans.In France, we don't count them - not yet.Nevertheless, estimates were made in 2011, which give the figure of 15.000 people identifying themselves as transgender.In the USA, on the other hand, we count and we compute.Five years ago, the US trans population amounted to 1.4 million adults, or 0.6% of the adult population.Five years earlier, in 2011, this percentage was halved, at 0.3%, or 700.000 personnes (Je reprends tels quels les chifFres donnés dans un article de 2016 du New York Times).
To take the measure of what such a growth rate represents, compare, for example, with the French population.Knowing that the rate of increase of it is 0.4%, the curve representing the Neper Logarithm of 2 allows to know that in France, at constant rate, the population would, 173 years to double, while theDoubly of the American trans population, for which we have reliable and detailed data, is carried out, as we have seen, in just five years.
D’où le sentiment diffus dans l’opinion peu éclairée d’une « invasion»», d’une « épidémie»», et la thèse pernicieuse récemment répandue dans les médias Français par certaine autorité académique bourgeoise, suivant laquelle il y aurait « beaucoup trop»» de transgenres. Jugement de valeur biopolitique, formulé à l’emporte-pièce, dénué de toute scientificité, et exprimant un préJugé sous une forme malsonnante.
Should we give discharge to the trans avant-garde of his often triumphalist speech?It suggests, to paraphrase Aragon, that the trans would be the future of the man - and of the woman, and of everyone, each.
Le trans est de nos Jours volontiers décrit comme un héros des temps nouveaux pour avoir terrassé l’antique patriarcat et ses odieux stéréotypes afin d’ouvrir à l’humanité la voie radieuse de l’autonomie du genre.The non-transformation, on the other hand, appears, as a shameful, inhibited or neurotic trans, denying cowardice, stupidity and transphobia, becoming-trans which would be the vocation of all human beings.Surfing on the demographic euphoria engendered by the exponential growth in the number of transs, which we have seen above the actual reality, the leaders of the Trans Emancipation Movement tend to issue statements which sometimes take the turn of what thewe could qualify as trans supremacy.
A damper
I say the word, which will hurt: it is Schwärmerei.The word is Kantian.It’s an untranslatable.It is variously rendered in French: enthusiasm or exaltation of the mind, fanaticism, ramblings, extravagance, illuminism.Go back down to earth.Perhaps the data that follows will be more admissible by trans chiefs when they emanate From one of theirs and not by a psychiatrist or a teacher ofpsychopathology.Let's read for example what Claire l wrote.(MTOF) on his Mobilisnoo blog.Org in 2018: "If we feel the need to count Trans, it is above all because this population has much more risk of suicide than the rest of the population, and that special drug treatments, and in somecase, surgical, are necessary for them.»» Elle précise : « Comparativement aux adultes cisgenres, les adultes transgenres sont trois fois plus susceptibles d’avoir déJà pensé au suicide, et près de six fois plus susceptibles d’avoir déJà tenté de se suicider.»» Enfin, soucieuse de la bonne gestion de la santé publique, elle préconise d’« évaluer avec une bonne marge de manœuvre le nombre de personnes concernées.This volume {would also allow} to take adequate administrative measures to be able to manage, within reason, the civil status changes necessary for a normal life of transgender.»» Rappel salutaire que tout n’est pas rose au pays des trans, et qu’avant d’être des militants de la cause trans, ce sont tout simplement des personnes plus Fragiles que d’autres, plus menacées, et qui soufFrent davantage.
Hysterical capture
Les trans, comment des praticiens qui procèdent de Freud se refuseraient-ilsà les écouter quand ceux-ci en manifestent le désir, ce qui n’est pas touJours ? Il est bien connu que Freud en son temps avait su écouter ces femmes hystériques que les médecins les plus attentifs tenaient pour des simulatrices et des comédiennes.Charcot exhibited them on the scene of his service at La Salpêtrière.Freud witnessed it, who came to train with him From October 1885 to February 1886. Dans cette petite rue Le Goff au Quartier latin où Sartre, le Poulou des Mots, devait passer son enfance Jusqu’à ses douze ans, une plaque apposée sur l’Hôtel du Brésil rappelle le séJour qu’y fit le Jeune boursier autrichien.
Back home, Freud was not emulated From Charcot, he did not open a Viennese hysteria theater. Ces femmes – quelques hommes aussi, non moins hystériques – il les reçut dans son petit cabinet devenu auJourd’hui lieu de mémoire, et entreprit de les écouter une par une. Le Jeune André Breton en 1921, quand il arriva tout Frémissant à la rencontre du découvreur de l’inconscient, fut afFreusement déçu de découvrir « une maison de médiocre apparence»», des patients « de la sorte la plus vulgaire»», et un praticien dont la modeste figure de « bourgeois rangé»» n’avait rien de dionysiaque (voir Lacan, Écrits, p.642). Soyons Justes : trente ans plus tard, Breton renia piteusement le récit qu’il avait fait de sa visite, dont il mit l’aveuglement sur le compte d’« un regrettable sacrifice à l’esprit dada.»»
Because it is this place that did not look like that a movement was gone by step by step by the whole of the West, and upset the customs of our societies.. C’est bien en effet à l’introduction d’un personnage inédit dans la comédie humaine, le psychanalyste, tout le contraire du « Maître»» dont telle photo de Charcot donne une représentation caricaturale – on pense à un tableau du musée de Bouville dans La Nausée – le psychanalyste et sa pratique de l’écoute – qui n’a rien de commun avec la pratique Judicaire de l’aveu non plus qu’avec la pratique religieuse de la confession, n’en déplaise au Foucault de La volonté de savoir – qu’on dut la disparition sur toute la surface du globe, de ces grandes « épidémies hystériques»», comme les appelaient les psychiatres, qui déFrayèrent la chronique au XIXe siècle. L’une d’entre elles, en 1857, la fameuse possession démoniaque de Morzine, petit village savoyard, fit Jadis l’obJet d’une thèse au Département de psychanalyse que Je dirigeais à Paris 8.
However, there were not, in the time of Freud, militant groups or lobbies devoting itself to the emancipation of hysterics, their empowerment.These women came to him each From his own movement, for his own account, and he welcomed them one by one, face to face, then he invented them to extend them. Ce n’était pas précisément un « Debout ! Les damnés de la Terre ! Debout ! Les forçats de la faim !»» Aucun des phénomènes qui caractérisent les groupes ou les masses, les « foules»» comme disait Gustave Le Bon, ne venait alors interférer.This is not to say that these phenomena, Freud thought that they were coming out of the field he had opened.He had to structure them in metapsychological terms in his Massenpsychology of 1921 - which Lacan taught us to read in 1964, in his seminar of the four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis. Plus tard, à la faveur des événements de mai 68, Lacan ofFrit un Frayage nouveau avec son invention du discours du Maître comme envers de la psychanalyse, d’où procède son idée que « l’inconscient, c’est la politique»», formule très éclairante qui a été peu comprise.
Lacan praises Freud, who knew how to be "docile at the hysterical.»» J’aimerais pouvoir moi aussi féliciter le praticien d’auJourd’hui d’avoir su se faire « docile au trans.»» Est-ce le cas ?
To be continued.
Cet article paraît seul dans La Règle du Jeu.He also opens a delivery of a daily Lacan of more than 100 pages, which is entitled: "2021 years trans.»».This exceptional issue, 928, will be as soon as possible on the Lacanquotidian website.Fr.