How to make homemade yogurt?-Marie Claire

How to make homemade yogurt?-Marie Claire

By marieclaire.frPartagersend by e-mail
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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableFabriquer son propre yaourt est à la fois économique et ludique. Cela permet aussi de créer de délicieux parfums maison au gré de nos envies et des produits de saison… Indispensable de notre alimentation quotidienne, découvrez comment réaliser votre yaourt maison !

The ingredients needed to make a homemade yogurt

No matter what method you use to make your yogurt, you will need milk! Cow's milk, sheep's milk or soy milk: it's up to you to choose according to your tastes. The milk chosen will also influence the texture of your yogurt: skim milk will give a melting texture, while whole milk will result in a firmer texture. You will also need a basic ferment, which will allow the good yogurt bacteria to multiply. You have the choice between a commercial powdered ferment or simply a commercial yogurt. If you want a really firm yogurt, you will also need powdered milk. Then you can add sugar and / or perfumes of your choice: orange flower water, agave syrup, vanilla, caramel … For a fruit yogurt, choose compotes and jams over fresh fruit pieces. The acidity of the latter may prevent yogurt from taking properly …

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Yaourtière, oven or fast cooker: the methods to make your yogurt

Start by delisting your yogurt or ferment powder in cold milk (or warm for oven passage). Add milk powder if necessary to thicken and perfume to your taste. The easiest next is to use a yogurt maker. In this case, pour your preparation into yogurt jars and place it in your device. After closing the lid, turn your yogurt machine on and let it work for 6 to 8 hours depending on your model. Let your cocotte whisper for about 5 minutes then pour your preparation into small glass pots without a lid. For a change in the oven, preheat your device to 40 °C. bake your glass pots for 1 hour and a half.


Comment faire du yaourt maison ? - Marie Claire