Here is the best recipe for Matcha Latte (hot or cold)

Here is the best recipe for Matcha Latte (hot or cold)

By Emeline Pradines

Want to prepare a delicious Matcha Latte?We explain to you how to make this unmissable drink in influencers around the world!

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For some time now, Matcha tea has become an ultra trendy drink, including the famous Matcha Latte, popularized thanks to social networks.Influencers around the world swear by this Japanese drink.The preparation of a Matcha Latte is not very complicated but you must follow a particular method.So here's how to make a delicious Matcha Latte at home.All you have to do is post your most beautiful shots on Instagram!

What is matcha?

Coming straight from Asia, Matcha is a fine powder of ground green tea (Matcha also means "ground tea" in Japanese).It differs from other teas by its premium quality and its higher price.Matcha powder is obtained by crushing the tea leaves to increase the benefits.

Matcha was invented in China, between the 10th and 11th century, and consumed by Buddhists Chan during a sacred ritual.Then, it was the eisai monk who imported him into Japan.Consequently, the matcha took a new boom by becoming very popular with the Japanese, while it tended to disappear in China.Sen No Rikyū, a Japanese tea master, then inscribed him in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

Matcha then arrived, much more recently, in Western countries and has never been so popular.In particular, it was influencers who have made this healthy drink, a real trend on social networks.The famous American coffee channel, Starbucks, also added Matcha Green Tea Latte and Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte on his menu.

Voici la meilleure recette de Matcha Latte (chaud ou froid)

The utensils necessary for the preparation of Matcha:

Know that there are boxes containing all the utensils to make a matcha like in Japan.

Matcha Latte: preparation for the recipe

This hot or cold drink recipe is very easy and quick to make.To prepare a cup of Matcha Latte, here is how to do step step:

  1. Mettez une cuillère à café de matcha en poudre tamisé dans le bol. Ajoutez-y le sucre (facultatif).
  2. Ajoutez l'eau chaude et mélangez à l'aide du fouet en formant des "M", jusqu'à ce que ce soit bien mousseux.
  3. Versez ensuite la préparation dans une grande tasse.
  4. Ajoutez le lait chaud ou froid (vous pouvez le faire mousser si vous le souhaitez). Mélangez.
  5. Pour un Matcha Latte glacé, ajoutez quelques glaçons.
  6. Dégustez !

We offer you a video tutorial, easy to follow, to make your Matcha Latte as a pro!

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