Freeze cherries: feast on summer desserts throughout the year

Freeze cherries: feast on summer desserts throughout the year

L’été abonde de toutes sortes de fruits et de légumes. Pour avoir la possibilité d’en profiter tout au long de l’année, il vaut mieux opter pour la congélation. Si vous voudrez vous régaler d’un dessert d’été même pendant l’hiver, ne tardez plus à congeler des cerises comme c’est la dernière possibilité de vous munir de ce fruit. Donc, faire du clafoutis en décembre c’est tout à fait possible ! En plus, à l’aide des cerises congelées, il aura le goût estival que vous adorez ! Sans plus tarder, puisez de fraîches idées comment congeler les cerises dans les lignes suivantes.Congeler des cerises : se régaler de desserts estivaux tout au long de l’année Congeler des cerises : se régaler de desserts estivaux tout au long de l’année

Feast on cherry desserts

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Congeler des cerises

First of all, know that it is better to opt for ripe fruit but not too much.So select representatives who do not have brown holes or spots.Wash the cherries and let them dry on absorbent paper.Note that you have to put the cherries intended to be frozen in the fridge.Do not let them dry in the open air.Don't forget to hide them just before freezing them.It will keep their freshness.Then you can make freezing or denoying depending on your taste.For some desserts, such as clafoutis, we leave the nucleus because it brings a specific taste to delight.So it's up to you to decide to leave it or remove it.You have the possibility of trying both variants.Thus, you can use the cherries with nuclei for the preparation of clafoutis and those you have pitted - to make sorbet or smoothie.

Note that you should not pile up the cherries in the plastic bags, as they tend to swell.In addition, they may be crushed.Therefore, spread the fruits in the airtight bags or in another container.Once frozen, the cherries must be transferred from the container in the bags.

Freeze cherries - a great idea to enjoy their summer taste throughout the year

How to pit cherries?

Congeler des cerises : se régaler de desserts estivaux tout au long de l’année

The easiest way to pit cherries is to use a denominator.If you don't have one, try to remove the nuclei using a funnel.It is only necessary to put the utensil on the worktop with the neck upwards.Then take a cherry, place it on the top of the neck and press, making it turn a little.And There you go !This is a very effective tip, if you have a large number of cherries to pit.However, you must take into account the size of the neck of your funnel.It must have a wide enough diameter for the nucleus to pass there, but not too much, in any case.

You can remove the cherries from the cherries also using an empty bottle and a Chinese baguette.Note that this tip will work for cherries having a larger size than the bottle of the bottle.It is necessary to place a cherry on the neck and exert pressure using the Chinese wand.The nucleus must be found in the bottle.

Tips How to pit the cherries in a simple and fast way

How to keep cherries?

You have the choice between refrigerator and freezer.It is also possible to keep cherries in the open air or in a jar in the form of a delight.At room temperature, cherries can be kept up to 3 days.Be careful not to crush them by other fruits, putting them above them.In the fridge, cherries keep up to 5 days.Do not forget to take them out 30 minutes before consumption because the taste becomes bland because of the cold.Opt for freezing to be able to enjoy the fruit longer.Cherries can be kept very well up to 12 months in the freezer.To keep the cherries, you have the possibility of preparing jams, compotes, jelly, cherry coulis or liquor.It's up to you to decide.

Keep the cherries in the form of jam

Make a coulis to keep cherries

How to defrost cherries?

To defrost the cherries, you only have to place them in a colander at room temperature.Another possibility of doing so is to dip them in water at room temperature.

What to do with cherries?

Beware of gourmet!Frozen cherries can be transformed very quickly into impressive desserts.Cherry ice cream, sorbet, smoothie, homemade cherry chocolate, cherry clafoutis, cherry pie, chocolate cherries, muffins, crumble, cherry billion etc, etc..For the preparation of smoothies and sorbets, it is better to opt for frozen cherries instead of using ice cubes and fruit.The frozen fruits will add aroma, texture, taste and freshness to delights!

Freeze cherries to make cherry pies even during the winter

Homemade cherry chocolate idea

What to do with frozen cherries with nuclei?

Once thawed, you can eat raw cherries.You can also prepare a dessert.Cherry clafoutis is undoubtedly one of the most delectable delights you can make from frozen cherries with nuclei.So, if you are a fan, like me, no longer delay to consult this idea of clafoutis recipe.

Clafoutis with frozen cherries

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Préchauffer le four à 200°C.
  2. Faire fondre le beurre dans une casserole à feu moyen.
  3. Dans un grand bol, fouetter ensemble la farine et le sucre. Incorporer les œufs un à un.
  4. Y ajouter l’extrait de vanille, le lait et le beurre fondu. Ensuite, mélanger bien le tout.
  5. Mettre la pincée de sel et mélanger de nouveau.
  6. Beurrer et fariner un moule à charnière.
  7. Poser les cerises congelées dans le moule.
  8. Verser le mélange sur les cerises.
  9. Enfourner pendant 40 minutes.
  10. Saupoudrer de sucre en poudre et servir tiède ou froid.

Note that you can keep your clafoutis in the fridge for 3-4 days.In the freezer, it can be kept up to a week.If you opt for freezing, don't forget to wrap the dessert in cling film.

Freeze cherries to have the opportunity to feast on clafoutis at any time

Clafoutis - dessert with summer taste

Idea of cherry ice cream

Refreshing drinks for summer days

Cherry refreshing dessert

Chocolate and cherry cake idea

Chocolate and cherry spread

Freeze cherries to make sorbet

Cherry sorbet idea

Freeze cherries to enjoy it at any time

Freeze cherries in the form of ice cubes

Freeze cherries in hermetic bags

Freeze fruit of all kinds

Freeze cherries to be able to prepare your favorite desserts