Feeding the birds: the nine mistakes to avoid newsletter

Feeding the birds: the nine mistakes to avoid newsletter

Put the food on the ground

Especially if you have a cat, or felines frequent your garden. Prefer a feeder fixed on a post at shoulder level, or hung on a tree.

Place the food in front of a window

On a window sill for example. It is very dangerous for the birds which risk breaking their necks against the transparent glazing.

Giving leftovers

This food is often too salty and too spicy for such small organisms. It could make them sick, even kill them.

Prefer mixtures of seeds of all sizes (and if possible organic), bread crumbs, cheese crusts, ham fat, even an apple.

Forget the water

Birds need to stay hydrated even when it's cold. They also wash in these waterholes, which makes their plumage more resistant to cold. Change it regularly and place lukewarm water when it is very cold.

Stop feeding when the weather warms

The birds have gotten used to feeding in your feeder and they will have a lot of trouble getting back to other habits, at a time when the food (seeds, worms, insects, etc.) is very rare in the natural environment. Wait mid-March or even mid-April to interrupt feeding.

Not cleaning feeders

Feeding the birds: the nine mistakes to avoid newsletter

The presence of old rotting food or droppings increases the transmission of diseases, at a time when birds can be weakened by the cold or a less diversified food. With this in mind, it is better to deposit a little food every day at regular times (rather in the morning or at the end of the afternoon), rather than a large quantity once a week.

Install a single large feeder

It is better to opt for several small feeding points to avoid arguments. You will have more chances to observe different species.

Do not cover the feeder with a roof

Rain or humidity will quickly rot the food.

Place the feeder near a bush

Predators could hide there and attack the birds by surprise.

Give them milk

They are unable to digest it and could then be victims of fatal digestive disorders. Only cooked dairy derivatives such as cheese can be given.

(Source: League for the Protection of Birds-LPO)

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Feeding birds: nine mistakes to avoidOuest-France.fr