Fall trends 2021: How are we going to dress at the start of the school year?

Fall trends 2021: How are we going to dress at the start of the school year?

Each season brings its share of trends and to prepare for the start of the 2021 school year which looms on the horizon (yes sorry to ruin the party but we are already in mid-July despite the weather worthy of a month of March), Grazia.en takes stock of those who will accompany us in the fall-winter.From the status Coat to a total look denim via lace, the Big Knit Energy or the retro sportwear...Back on fall trends that will influence our dressing room at the start of the school year!

Sur le même sujetTendances mode 2021 : comment allons-nous nous habiller l'hiver prochain ?

Fall trends 2021: How are we going to dress this fall?

Sketched on the catwalks of the parades of the big fall-winter 2021 fashion houses, these fall trends are confirmed as you approach the start of the school year: the bling is essential even during the day, the optimistic pace with vibrant colors and fun detailsmore omnipresent than ever and the parts with exceptional know-how will have the good part.With these 12 beginnings of trends, find out how we are dressing up at the start of the next school year!

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