Expert response: Can I take a pregnant laxative?
Constipation is one of the most frequent pregnancy ailments.But can we take medication to unlock transit?Before tackling to find an adapted solution, you must first determine the origin of this disorder.
Constipation during pregnancy: causes
Pregnant, the transit is slower.This can be explained by a multitude of reasons:
- Thus, it is frequent that because of nausea, some women modify their diet, and therefore the digestive process.- As the future baby grows, it presses the big intestine, which makes it more lazy.- The increase in pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone, slows the movement of food during digestion.- When the term approaches, pregnant women are more afraid to push.
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Pregnant, taking laxative must be made on the advice of a health professional, and over a limited period.Furthermore, it must be taken into account that all laxatives are not compatible with pregnancy.
In this sense, the Crat (SEO center on teratogenic agents) recommends during pregnancy and breastfeeding to favor two types of laxatives in particular.First of all the laxative of Lest, these are fibers, generally mucilage, which modify the consistency of the stool.Then, the osmotic laxative, which is based on polyethylene glycol (PEG) and which, most often, softens the stools via a water call in the intestine.
On the side of stimulating or lubricant laxatives (like paraffin oil which facilitates anal passage), it is better to be administered punctually, and after advice from your treating doctor.
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— Fatoma Rad Sun Jul 19 17:34:42 +0000 2020
Transit slowed down during pregnancy: eat fibers?
Pregnant, avoid drugs as much as possible.Especially since transit can be regulated by natural means!First, you can change your diet.By regularly eating fiber foods such as white beans, dry figs, lentils, full rice, rye, food based on its...Fibers facilitate intestinal work and can increase the volume of stools.Be careful however, if you change your diet too quickly, you may have inconveniences.In order to avoid bloating, abdominal distension and other gas, you must gradually increase your daily ration of fibers.For example, you can gently integrate full food into your meals.
In addition, you have to drink a lot of water!Good hydration makes it possible to soften the stools and improve their frequency.There are also grandmother's remedies that work very well!You can, for example, take a spoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime, or simply integrate into your salads.Finally, nothing better than a little exercise.If you are lying all day, you will less mobilize your body and therefore have a less intense transit.
A massage to facilitate pregnant transit
It is possible to massage yourself, by pressing your hand in a circle on your belly and turning in the direction of the needles of a watch.This massage will allow to relax the intestine and therefore stimulate its action.
Better position on the toilet
The position on the toilet also plays a role.Thus, raising your feet to align the rectum with the intestine, and therefore to defecate more easily.Better yet, you can squat, with the knees folded on the abdomen (depending on the stage of your pregnancy, we get along).This allows, among other things, to slightly increase the pressure on the belly, and therefore to promote expulsion.
Take pregnant suppositories and probiotics
You can perfectly take glycerin suppositories.The latter are notably indicated in the event of low constipation, when the stool accumulates at the end of the digestive system.The suppository triggers a contraction of the rectum, which allows the evacuation of the stool quickly.However, this must remain exceptional.Watch out for other suppositories to treat constipation, some may be not recommended during pregnancy.
There is also no particular risk in being administered probiotics during pregnancy.These "good bacteria" promote digestion, reduce bloating and allow you to go to the toilet much more regularly.
Constipation pregnancy: when to consult?
If constipation persists despite a change in diet, more hydration and more exercise, then you have to consult.Same thing in case of bleeding at the time of stools, strong stomach pain or a stop of digestive gases.In doubt, do not hesitate to turn to your general practitioner, midwife or gynecologist.
A constipation that continues can cause hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, but also more serious disorders.Among them, the fecaloma, which occurs when dehydrated and very hard stools accumulate in the rectum.It is an extremely painful pathology that requires rapid medical management.In the most serious cases, the fecaloma can even lead to intestinal occlusion.The treatment varies according to its severity.This can range from a washing to an emergency surgery.
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