Everything you need to know about the lawyer |Sud-Ouest-Nouvelle-Aquitaine |News in Aquitaine

Everything you need to know about the lawyer |Sud-Ouest-Nouvelle-Aquitaine |News in Aquitaine

Lawyers have a unique nutritional profile.They contain a lot of fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C

Research has established a link between lawyer consumption and various health benefits, such as a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.They are also very full and can be useful for losing weight.

It is one of the most popular fruits in France with 2.8 kg of lawyers consumed per year and per person, placing the French in mind in Europe.Superial with indisputable nutritional qualities, it is found on all tables, from house to star restaurants, and in all forms.

The lawyer has undoubtedly become one of the most popular "super food", and for good reason!The leaders of the whole world recognize him great qualities: he is rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, he has good taste and therefore seems to be the perfect choice for our meals and snacks.It's always a good time to eat lawyer.

From ice to the hair mask, lawyer, this "fruit of life", places June under the sign of health, well-being and ... responsible consumption.June is indeed the world of lawyer!The WAO (World Avocado Organization) celebrates this fruit with a thousand virtues and gives its tips to enjoy it during sunny days in a responsible manner.

Consume it without bad conscience

In France, the quality of the lawyer and its provenance take precedence over its price.The French choose lawyers which are mostly from organic farming and cultivated "nearby".Spain remains a major supplier even if in France, lawyers' cultures are emerging in Corsica and around the Mediterranean, from the Eastern Pyrenees to the Còte d'Azur.

New innovative culture methods emerge all over the world, thus considerably reducing the avocado water footprint.This is added to the fact that many productions remain irrigated naturally or come to reuse rainwater.The water footprint is now much lower than other fruits and vegetables consumed daily in Europe, such as apple for example, which, for 1 kilo requires at least 822 liters of water.

Freeze him so that he becomes the freshness of summer!

For a more responsible attitude, the WAO recommends taking advantage of the months of April or May to freeze a certain amount of lawyers and thus enjoy its benefits and its freshness all summer.However, this fruit does not freeze whole, it is necessary to remove the skin and the nucleus then cut it into dice or reduce it in puree.

In both cases, sprinkle it with lemon juice so that it does not oxidize.

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur l'avocat | Sud-Ouest - Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Actualités en Aquitaine

The frozen lawyer lends itself to the development of many refreshing and creative snacks.Mixed with other fruits or vegetables, it is the basis of a successful and nourishing smoothie.Less known in this form, avocado ice cream is increasingly followers.On the canvas, under the trend of the "Green Nice Cream" recipes in surprising colors are shared like avocado, lemon and coconut ice cream.By defrosting lawyer puree, it is also possible to prepare a lawyer's houmous, the dietetic ally of summer aperitifs.

Use it in your homemade beauty products

Thanks to its strong religious power, lawyer can also be used as a basis for its homemade beauty products.The trio of summer, sun, swimming pool and sea, mums the skin that will need to be hydrated more than ever.Rich in vitamins B, C, E, in oleic acid and lutein, the avocado promotes the elasticity of the skin, attenuates scars and even sunburn thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect.Associated with olive oil, yogurt or honey, it can be used as well as a mask and in moisturizer.A single lameller of avocado under each eye for 20 minutes will give back to light.Finally, preparing your beauty products is an effective way to reduce single -use packaging.

"The lawyer is a food that continues to surprise with its versatility and its benefits.It has become an essential food in the eating habits of the French who will be delighted to consume it differently thanks to a recipe book available for free: the wonderful world of cooking to lawyer.This creativity goes hand in hand with the ingenuity of our partners who are constantly investing in innovation and new technologies to make the culture and production of lawyers more responsible.The members of the WAO strive to guarantee a chain of sustainable and safe supply, creating jobs around the world and bringing all the benefits of this super-food while respecting our planet.Happy months of the lawyer to all!"Says Xavier Equihua, CEO of the Wao.

The recipe book with avocado

New recipe ideas

Start the day on the right foot with this survivited smoothie

This cocktail of fresh fruit, juice and seeds will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Difficulty level - easy


1 avocat pelé et dénoyauté ou 1 avocat surgelé, coupé en dés Le jus d’une demi orange
Le jus d’un demi citron Une banane congelée, coupée en morceau
2 cuillères à soupe d’extrait de vanille 150 ml de lait d’amande non-sucré
1 cuillère à soupe de graines de chanvre

Necessary utensils

A kitchen robot or a blender


Create a wao effect on your tables with this perfect iced with raspberry avocado and passion fruit

Difficulty level - Middle / portions - 10 times of preparation - 25 minutes (plus 12 hours of cooling)


750 ml de crème fraîche100g de sucre
1 avocat frais ou surgelé en purée325 g de purée de fruits de la passion (avec les graines)
1 sachets de 9g de gélatine nature en poudre½ avocat surgelé coupé en dés
125g de framboises entières


In a large bowl, beat the cream until it starts to thicken.Be careful not to beat her too much.Add sugar, avocado puree and passion fruit puree.Mix well and reserve.

In a small bowl going to the microwave, soak the gelatin in 45 ml of water.Heat in the microwave by intervals of 30 seconds until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Line a rectangular cling film cake pan.Place the diced avocado at the bottom, then half of the passion fruit mixture and half of raspberries.Finish with the rest of the passion fruit mixture.Smooth the top and place in the freezer for 12 hours or overnight.

Unmold on a dish and remove the cling film.Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Make this houmous, the dietetic ally of your aperitifs

Difficulty level - easy


1 avocat pelé et dénoyauté ou 1 avocat surgelé coupé en dés225 g de pois chiches cuits ou en conserve, égouttés
10 g de feuilles de coriandre rincées½ gousse d’ail
90 ml d’huile d’olive60 ml de jus de citron vert
1 cuillère à café de cuminsel et poivre
8 tranches de pain pita, coupées en lamelles épaisses2 cuillères à soupe de paprika


Preheat the oven to 180 ° (thermostat 4)

Place avocado, chickpeas, coriander, garlic, olive oil, lime juice and cumin in a mixer robot and mix until you get a smooth consistency paste.put salt and pepper at your taste.Reserve.

Place the pita bread strips on a baking sheet: sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika.Cook until the bread is crisp (about 5 minutes) and serve it with the houmous.

The World Avocado Organization

The WAO is a non -profit organization founded in 2016 which represents the main producers, exporters and importers of lawyers in the world.WAO promotes the consumption of lawyers on the basis of their nutritional value and their healthy benefits.→ www.Avocadofruitoflife.com

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