Ehlers-danlos: solutions to dress without suffering all the news.Employment Products Services Register and receive the Newsletter for free Following us

Ehlers-danlos: solutions to dress without suffering all the news.Employment Products Services Register and receive the Newsletter for free Following us

67 % of women living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome are struggling to dress.This rare disease weakens their body, particularly reactive.200 of them testify in a book available on May 5, 2021.Objective: a more inclusive fashion.

• Par Cassandre Rogeret /


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"Dressing me?A real headache "," there is always a problem with the clothes I find so it discourages me to buy it "...Dressing, a trivial act for many, a ordeal for some people with disabilities whose physical, functional, cognitive or even sensory disabilities can have a substantial impact on the choice of clothes and comfort.In the first line ?Women with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic disease that causes abnormal flexibility of joints in nearly 500,000 French.200 of them testify in the e-book "Dressing with a SED", available on May 5, 2021 in bookstores and online platforms.

Unapposed clothing and little advice

According to this survey carried out by the Lab well to wear, created by the Cover association (for collective around ergonomic clothing) -dressing, 67 % of the women questioned indicate that it is "often difficult" to find clothes that suit them instore.Their body, particularly fragile, sensitive, reactive and painful, gives them "thread" to a hard time.Invisible, their disease makes them suffer in silence.They point out in particular a lack of information on the criteria of comfort, threading, details of the cut and the closing system of the majority of clothes.Likewise, 64 % of respondents regret being little or not advised by sales teams, revealing a "imperative need" of training in order to improve the reception of customers living with a SED.

Ditto for other diseases

Ehlers-Danlos : des solutions pour s'habiller sans souffrir Toute l'actu. Produits Emploi Services Inscrivez-vous et recevez gratuitement la newsletter Nous suivre

The ambition of this book is to highlight the feeling of the people concerned to, ultimately, develop a more inclusive fashion."Medico-social professionals and care professions will find valuable testimonies on how the disease affects their patient's clothing, with repercussions on their well-being and social life," explains Muriel Robine, presidentof cover-dressing.A "very useful" tool, she said, and not only for people living with a SED...Indeed, certain symptoms of this hereditary disease are found in other pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid spondylitis, fibromyalgia or Parkinson's disease."Understanding the constraints and difficulties of clothing of the woman with a SED is to open up to a better consideration of largely shared needs," she said.

A label for suitable clothing

"The ready-to-wear industry must bring social responsibility to dress its customers in all its diversity, therefore make the effort to know better and better meet all needs," says the Cover-Dressing Association.Since 2013, it has drawn up concrete solutions to guide people with a handicap or pathology towards the outfits most suited to their particularities.Objective ?(Re) reconcile mode and handicap!Its flagship project, the “good to wear” label (articles in connection below), aims to identify the most ergonomic and comfortable clothes and thus facilitate shopping of people with disabilities.Hat ?

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