Cow's milk or goat milk: What is the best baby milk?

Cow's milk or goat milk: What is the best baby milk?

By Julie Caronpartagerenvoyer by e-mail
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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableCertaines mamans sont tentées par d'autres laits que le lait de vache... Mais le lait de chèvre peut-il faire l'affaire ? Qu'est-ce qui le différencie du lait de vache ?

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the best option in terms of nutritional benefits for baby health and growth.The World Health Organization advocates him during the first six months of the child.However, some young mothers cannot or do not want to breastfeed their child.In this case, infant milks are a good relay to bring to a baby what he needs for his development.Please note, cow's milk or gross goat milk is not suitable for a child.You really have to choose infant milks specially developed to cover the needs of the infant according to his age.

Can you give goat milk to your baby?

If for a long time only infant milks based on cow's milk protein have been allowed in France, since August 2013, baby goat milks have also received European authorization on the market.Indeed, several clinical studies have been carried out and have made it possible to affirm that this type of infantile milk was adapted to the needs of the infant, in accordance with European requirements.Milk proteins, vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids are therefore present in the right proportions.Similar growth rates have also been demonstrated between babies fed by infant milk from goat milk and newborns exclusively breastfed or fed by an infantile formula based on cow's milk.

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Cow's infantile milk vs goat milk: what differences?

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When it comes to infantile milk, regardless of the animal source of milk, the nutritional profile must meet the needs of the infant and meet the same regulatory requirements.However, there are differences between cow's milk and goat milk,

The taste to start, cow's milk and goat milk do not have the same taste.For some babies who find it difficult to accommodate cow's milk, offering them child -based goat milk can unlock certain situations.

A secretion closer to breast milk such as women, secret goat her milk in a apocrine way, it means that milk is released in excretory channels by driving cellular components.Nucleotides, for example, are then preserved.The cow, on the other hand, has a meroed process, that is to say that cell fragments do not accompany the milk produced.As such, goat milk approaches more in its composition of breast milk.

Better digestion in some babies finally, various studies have shown that the proteins of goat milk were digested more easily than those of cow's milk.By its low composition in lactoglobulin and casein, two whey proteins, goat milk would indeed be more digestible.In addition, its caseins have the particularity of forming a soft and porous curd in the baby's stomach, which allows more complete digestion.If your child suffers from gastroesophageal reflux, you can mention this option with your pediatrician.In any case, do not change milk without the advice of your pediatrician.

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