Choose an organic infantile milk for your baby
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When a young mother chooses to nourish her baby in childhood milk, she can count on the expertise of the Guigoz laboratories who have been watching the well-being of very small years for over 100 years. Et notamment sur leur gamme 2ème âge, des laits infantiles adaptés aux besoins nutritionnels des bébés à partir de 6 mois, comme tous les laits 2ème âge.
Baby organic milk: a question of choice
By choice or out of necessity, many mothers opt for infantile milk, a substitute for breast milk.As nutritional needs vary strongly depending on the age of baby, there are a wide variety of infant milks whose composition is regulated to match these needs.
Around 6 months, baby begins food diversification.Infant milk 2nd age also called a following milk remains a major element of its diet to cover all its needs.
What is organic infant milk?
Infantile milk is generally designed from cow's milk to which we make some modifications so that it approaches breast milk as much as possible.Milk is thus rebalanced so that it provides the right protein, fat, vitamins and mineral content.
Organic 2nd age milk - © Martina Willner
Of course, infantile milk, even standard, like all products intended for babies, is subject to very strict rules.Infant milks have a formal obligation to contain any curator, coloring or artificial aroma.Only fifty additives is authorized. Enfin, des teneurs très faibles en résidus de pesticides (<0,01 mg/kg) et nitrates sont tolérées.
Baby organic milk responding to the charter of organic farming respects even more strict obligations, by selecting organic raw materials from the environment -friendly production methods.
Organic baby milk assets
The manufacturing process and food safety of organic and non -organic infant milk, however, remain subject to the same checks.Organic infantile milk is therefore of the same nutritional quality as non -organic.
But it preserves the biological character of the ingredients: many agricultural ingredients and fewer processed ingredients.Indeed, milk comes from cows nourished according to the strict rules of organic farming.Organic infant milk is therefore more respectful of the environment.
Guigoz organic 2: the latest born from Guigoz
Guigoz laboratories have seen generations of babies grow!
From the 1st infantile milk invented in 1908, other innovations have followed, until the new range of 2nd age organic milks.
The amount of protein is adjusted to meet the significant needs of babies from 6 months.In accordance with regulations, it contains zinc, vitamins D, C and A as well as omega 3.These elements are essential for its good brain and cognitive development.
In its capacity of organic infantile milk, Guigoz organic 2 and the whole range of 2nd age infant milks thus participate in respect for the environment and biodiversity.
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