Chocolate powder: do brands really hold their promises?
Nothing better than good hot chocolate to warm up this winter.But before that, you will have to find an excellent chocolate powder.60 million consumers analyzed around fifty referent brands (Nesquik, Kellogg, Poulain) and distributors (Bio crossroads, Cora, etc.) from breakfast.The results are unequivocal: chocolate powders are better rated (concerning their nutritional qualities) than cereals (nature, chocolate, fruit and honey).Despite everything, the chocolate in powder marketed would present certain faults.
First observation, several brands like Ovomaltine, Banania, Nesquik announce 32 % cocoa in their composition when they only contain 13, 19, and 23 % cocoa respectively contain cocoa respectively.
Sugar and not powdered chocolate?
60 million consumers also raises the main ingredient of chocolate powder: sugar.Indeed, "despite the commitments of certain brands like Nestlé, the sugar contents remain very important".According to the media, a 200 ml bowl represents on average 20 g of sugar (sucrose, fructose ... without forgetting sugar present in milk) or 40 % of the recommended daily intakes.Pointed out, some brands like the instant chocolate Ethiquable or Nesquik would exceed 23 g of sugars per bowl.Fiber contents have also been examined.Verdict: "The less they contain cocoa, less [references] are rich in fiber".
Despite a large sugar content, the chocolate powder has certain positive points.First of all, this product has almost no additives.In addition, the few fats, "proteins and salt mostly come from milk".
Finally, an excellent chocolate in powder can be summed up in a single component: pure cocoa powder.Organic products seem to meet this criterion with brands like Jolivia (raw cocoa powder) and naturela (pure cocoa, lean cocoa powder without added sugar).The organic reference of Van Houten (in unwells) and that of Ovomaltine (Ovom Maltine Cereal Energy) are also presented as very good products.