SOS dry lips: can we apply lip balm to a child?

SOS dry lips: can we apply lip balm to a child?

When the lips of children tug, or even, crack or gather, we, parents, can quickly feel distraught.Difficult indeed to see our loulous suffer, especially when we do not know how to solve the problem.A situation however far from being rare: in France, 41 % of parents declare that their child has already presented inflammation in terms of lips and the outline of the mouth*.

The lips of children, more fragile than those of adults?

If the mouth is such a delicate area, it is because the skin is more thin than on the rest of the body."The lips dehydrate three times faster than the rest of the skin because the keratinocyte layer is much thinner," explains Astrid Maudu, founder of the care brand and cosmetic for children wadding.

Unless you suffer from atopic dermatitis, children do not have a more fragile mouth than those of adults.If their lips are damaged, it is because they undergo a drying linked to temperatures (cold or exposure to the sun), a skin disease (which will itself be reinforced by the cold) or a repeated moisture."Children often have lips damaged by contact with saliva (when the child sucks his pacifier, his thumb or his blank too often during the day), the lips bite (licking tick lined to stress), or evenby nasal flow.These phenomena destroy the protective natural layer produced by lips and skin ”illuminates Véronique Cerruti, Pharmacist and Calmosine Marketing Director.So many intensified elements in winter, since under the effect of cold, the vascularization of the skin decreases.So less nourished, the skin of the lips cannot heal its possible wounds correctly.It is therefore important to prevent this phenomenon as soon as temperatures drop.

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Also keep in mind that the food and alternation of hot, cold, acidic or even spicy foods, also have a harmful effect.If they have dry and damaged lips, no question of offering oranges or lemon to your cabbage ends!

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As for the impact of the pacifier and saliva on the lips, the Dre Cécile Méni, dermatologist and practitioner attached to the Necker hospital, confirms that he can maintain or aggravate a drought already present."The pacifier causes small pimples and red irritations around the mouth, which is called per oral dermatitis.It is due to maceration and saliva.The latter can also cause irritation with a dry and cracked appearance of the corners of the lips (commissures), called pearls.»»

How to treat your child's damaged lips?

By anticipating as much as possible, via a moisturizer to apply twice a day minimum."The ideal is to apply a good layer before bedtime, on the lips and the outline of the mouth, so that it wakes up with nourished lips, partially repaired and the redness widely reduced. Ensuite, utilisez-le plusieurs fois dans la journée pour protéger et nourrir les lèvres»» conseille Véronique Cerruti avec le Baume apaisant lèvres Calmosine (dès 3 ans).For her part, the designer of wadding poses no limits as to the number of possible applications on a daily basis, with my brilliant balm (from 4 years old).

While specifying that the phenomenon of dry lips in the infant is exceptional, the Ménipréconise DRE to favor the care of ranges for atopic skin, to obtain in para and pharmacies.And this, if necessary, even before the 3 years usually recommended, age from which a small one is no longer considered as a baby but as a child, and can, unless otherwise stated, use Tradi products.For the specialist, these ranges are generally the most moisturizing, and with a significant fatty phase.Little or not fragrant, their care has excellent tolerance, which minimizes the risk of irritation and contact allergies.Note that in France, all the products formulated for the youngest, even babies and children (all distribution sectors combined), are subject to strict tests.France is indeed the country displaying the highest requirements in this area.What reassure parents!

As for the ingredients to be identified and avoiding for children's lips, hold the Balm of Peru, known to be responsible for contact eczema.Some essential oils are also to be forgotten in babies.On the other hand, they can be very useful for cleaning up, purifying, feeding and repairing lips, from 3 years old (in case of contraindication, the latter has an obligation to appear on the pack).

As a hygiene measure, always prefer a lip balm by member of the tribe.

Is there a risk in case of ingestion of lip balm by my child?

Products intended for young are the subject of numerous tests and controls upstream of their marketing.Although it is preferable that your child does not lick their lips after applying their care, do not panic if it happens.He should indeed swallow the whole tube to fear real consequences on his health.Always be careful not to leave the balm within its reach.

To optimize the repair of his lips, also take the time to explain to him how it is important that he retains licking tick.As the dermatologist indicates, expose him the fact that the more he will lick his lips, the more it may hurt him, because the licking tick accentuates the irritation which, itself, trains and promotes the ICTlicking.Or the story of the snake that dresses the tail!In parallel, the specialist recommends adopting serene behavior."Nor should he be repeated and pointed out to him several times in the day that he licks his lips.Bringing too much attention to it can reinforce the child in his gesture.Do not stigmatize it, but reassure it, have a calm and benevolent attitude.Also remember the importance of putting your cream well so that the "boho" can heal.»»

Gradually, over the applications, the moisturizing balm will improve the situation and the desire to lick the lips will fade.If irritation persists, consult a dermatologist to assess whether it is necessary to deal with dermocorticoids.

*According to the Institute of Moms, Online qualitative study in France, with 540 parents of children from 3 to 11 years old, 2017.

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