Sleep disorders: When baby is already nights |

Sleep disorders: When baby is already nights |

At what age will my child make his nights?The birth of a baby often rhymes with white nights and big fatigue.But some newborns, even if they are a minority, remain much longer in the arms of Morpheus.How long is a baby sleeping?How to recognize a deep sleep?We take stock.

How do you know if baby is ready to make his nights?

Having a baby who sleeps peacefully all night: this is the dream of many young parents!If the majority of children will take weeks to sleep several hours in a row at night, some newborns extend, from maternity, their sleep beaches.This is what Aurore, mother of a little Amélia of 2 and a half months: "I gave birth at 5.50 pm.I immediately proposed the feeding to my daughter, but she didn't take anything.She then fell asleep.Around midnight and at 3 am, the midwives went to see me, but Amélia was still sleeping.It was the first day.I didn't know what to expect.I was a little worried, but I told myself that the 44 hours of work had certainly exhausted it.The next day, she asked for her first bottle at 8 a.m. and then every three hours.The second night, she woke up to eat at 3 a.m. then at 7 am ".And the little girl kept this rhythm when I got home."I gave birth on Tuesday, and on Saturday, she was practically a full night.I slept her at 1 am after the bath and her last bottle, and she woke up at 7 am ”.

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How many hours of dodo for my baby?

"They are a minority," said psychologist Elisabeth Darchis, but some infants only wake up once or twice at night from birth.On average when baby is night, he needs 12 to 16 hours of sleep per day between 4 to 12 months;From 1 to 2 years old, it is between 11 and 2 pm;From 3 to 5 years old, between 10 and 1 pm;Then at least 9 hours from 6 years old.Several reasons may explain that our child sleeps more than the average.First of all, there are newborns who benefit from feeding."Sometimes babies manage to calm down by hallucing that they suckle the bottle or the breast of their mother.From the first hours or days of life, they do what are called smiles to angels, often preceded by a small sucking movement.These babies who hallucinate really believe that they are suckling and that they are in their mom's arms.As soon as they are hungry, they will repeat this sucking movement.It will work once, twice ... and after a while, hunger will prevail over satisfaction.It was only at that time that they will express their desire to eat, "said the specialist.These babies have almost an ability to "empower themselves" and "an inner life that helps them calm down".Indeed, "by dreaming of the presence of their parents, they gain safely safe.They can then extend their sleep time for several hours in the evening, when they only differentiate the day and night from the third month, "she said.The environment also comes into account.Thus, the toddler will sleep more peacefully in a silent space.

How to sleep baby despite breastfeeding?

If some babies lengthen their sleep phases because they feel good, others, on the contrary, sleep a lot because they feel insecurity."When parents are not really available for the child, the latter takes refuge in sleep.It also happens that infants are exhausted: by dint of fighting fatigue, they cry, collapse and thus remain asleep.In addition, the latest bottle also has an impact.As soon as it is increased, for example on the advice of early childhood professionals, we observe the extension of sleep, "explains Elisabeth Darchis.Aurore confirms this last point: “For a few days, I have given Amélia a bottle of 210 ml before bedtime.And she wakes up at 8 am, ”she says.

Troubles du sommeil : quand bébé fait déjà ses nuits |

Except exceptions, it is not recommended to wake up a baby in order to adjust his sleep pace.Similarly, if the interaction with a newborn is essential, do not extend too much moments of awakening in order to avoid an association between awakening and pleasure and lead to an increase in the number of awakenings.It is also important to help him distinguish as the day and night goes, making him enjoy natural light and speaking to him during the day, and whispering and staying more in darkness for himgive a bottle or breast at night.Living according to regular hours as much as possible for the toilet, the awakening games or the walk also generates a feeling of security.

To sleep, baby needs the calm of parents

The parents' attitude has a real influence on the sleep of their child, although this does not explain everything.On average, newborns who sleep more than the others at night have a good weight and their parents try not to demonstrate anxiety about their sleep and their possible loneliness."They don't say to each other: I have to sleep in my arms, he doesn't like the bed ... Parents' safety can soothe his baby.Of course, this does not work in 100 % of cases, but some little ones manage to lengthen their sleep slices as well, ”notes Elisabeth Darchis.And for good reason, there is bodily transmission of the availability of parents and their well-being.Aurore also believes that her zenitude played a major role: "I was very Zen during my pregnancy.I'm still serene today, and I think that loves it.»»

"I sometimes hear parents say that their baby does not support his bed but in reality, I feel that they are they who do not accept to see him alone.Sometimes too, as soon as the child rings a little, they quickly take it back.Without noticing, they break the sleep lengthening.However, very often, baby only needs a simple caress to go back to sleep. Ils le sécurisent trop dans les bras, or, il est essentiel que l’enfant apprenne à s’autosécuriser dans le lit»», insiste la psychologue.

How to make baby make his nights from 1 month?

Il est important que l'enfant « rêve les bras de ses parents»», le biberon ou le sein s’il est allaité.As Elisabeth Darchis explains, "some babies confuse sleep and food.They cannot take their dreams and their feelings of well-being in their sleep.Immediately awake, they will claim breast.In this case, the child cannot find autonomy. Il ne peut pas « survivre»» sans la présence réelle de son parent. Il faut donc essayer de le mettre au lit, une fois qu’il a bien profité de la tétée, sans trop prolonger la dépendance au bras»».In addition, according to the psychologist, children who sleep in the parents' room often make their nights later."There are more stimulation and interactions between the baby and his parents. Les parents répondent au moindre appel et le tout-petit reste dépendant de leur présence»».The difficulty is to find a happy medium because, to dream of the feeding and the love of his parents, it is necessary that the baby received sufficient responses.Indeed, he also needs to feel that we are interested in him."There are too quiet moms who can let go of their baby. Délaissés, ces petits vont se replier dans le sommeil»», alerte Elisabeth Darchis.

Can newborns be depressed?

When a baby sleeps a lot, especially in maternity, professionals are very attentive. « Ce sommeil peut révéler une fuite relationnelle»», relève la psychologue."Sometimes there are very wise, even too wise babies.We can then wonder if the newborn does not make a depression. Il y a de nombreux phénomènes explicatifs, notamment à la suite d'une césarienne difficile par exemple, ou lorsque les parents n'ont pas eu la force de s’occuper de leur bébé»».Indeed, the mother-child link, in particular, is created from the first days."For me, 50 % of feeding is done with milk and the other 50 with the relationship.When the mother is not really available and the newborn does not have a family psychic cradle that welcomes her enough, he can fall back.This is called babies waiting.This little withdrawal is not serious at the beginning, provided that we pay attention to it and that they wake them up to the pleasure of the relationship by the adjusted voice or the eyes eyes. Cela va leur donner de l’appétit et peu à peu, ils vont trouver leur rythme alimentaire et de sommeil»», précise la spécialiste.It should also be noted that babies can, conversely, also fall back into sleep when the parent is too invasive.

How is the baby's sleep rate changed?

« Comme nous l’a précisé notre pédiatre, si Amélia a pris un tel rythme, il y a peu de chances que cela change»», nous raconte Aurore."Babies who sleep quite well can continue like this for weeks and months.At 1 month, the child sleeps 17 to 20 hours a day and can only wake up once in the night.There may be a few micro-acknowledgments but a caress is enough to reset it.At 2 months old, the baby is able to make an almost complete night, sometimes until the early morning, that is to say 6-7 h ", specifies Elisabeth Darchis.And contrary to what one might think, the number of naps does not influence the quality of sleep of the evening.

But during the development of the child, several hazards will disturb this sleep cycle: the anxiety of separation around the 8th month, dental thrusts, causing pain and sometimes gluteal erythemes (the child then supports his layer lessdirty) ... "There are ups and downs in the child's sleep without being pathological," said the psychologist."Some sleep well on vacation, while others are upset and find it difficult to sleep.Later, at the time of the opposition crisis around 2-3 years, sleep is once again disturbed. L’enfant, qui dit sans cesse non à ses parents fait parfois des cauchemars la nuit»», poursuit-elle.The sleep of toddlers is therefore a long process that fluctuates over time.

On video: why is my baby to wake up at night?

A lire aussiAuteur : Elodie-Elsy MoreauAvec Elisabeth Darchis, psychologue, spécialiste de la périnatalité et auteur du livre « Le sommeil du bébé»», Ed. Philippe Duval. Article mis à jour par Marion Bellal, Journaliste