Raupur Acoustic, an insulating plate that combines thermal and acoustic

Raupur Acoustic, an insulating plate that combines thermal and acoustic

RAUPUR ACOUSTIC, an insulating plate that combines thermal and acoustic 'abonary abonancecrée my accountPassse Connect Search Magazine Magazine Newsletters Service Tour on lemoniteur.frMon compteMes informationsMes newslettersMon fil d'actualité personnaliséAnalyses de JurisprudencesIndices-IndexMon contrat Pass Contact DéconnexionAccueil >Artisans >Raupur Acoustic, une plaque isolante qui associe thermique et acoustique

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  • Raupur Acoustic de RehauClose LightboxMaya Pic |le 14/06/2021 | 100 % eau et énergie ,Plancher chauffant,Isolation acoustique,Isolation,Isolation en plaquesMa newsletter personnaliséeVotre demande a été prise en compte.Configurer ma newsletterAjouter ce(s) thème(s) à ma newsletter personnaliséeArtisansSupprimer100 % eau et énergie SupprimerPlancher chauffantSupprimerIsolation acoustiqueSupprimerIsolationSupprimerIsolation en plaquesSupprimerRehauSupprimerFrance SupprimerValider

    Thanks to a specific undercoat, this new insulating plaque for rehau-rafting floor-rafter.

    Raupur Acoustic, une plaque isolante qui associe thermique et acoustique

    To combine thermal comfort and acoustic comfort, the RAUPUR acoustic plate integrates, under a classic RAUPUR polyurethane plate, a 3 mm thin acoustic underlay.This all-in-one product saves time on construction sites to installers.The weight remains light, the handy plate and the reservation height unchanged.The whole ensures a 23 dB attenuation to the noise of shocks between floors, that is to say mainly the noise of steps and the fall of objects.

    By going beyond the current requirements in the construction of attached collective and individual housing (attenuation of the order of 20-21 dB), Rauupur Acoustic improves the comfort of the inhabitants.Adapted to new construction and renovation, it is suitable for individual houses as for collective housing, hotels, office buildings and health or teaching establishments.

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