ITE systems with plasters are betting on innovation 06/26/20181Cheaper than cladding, clothing and clothing techniques, insulating coatings represent the most important part of the ite market and do not skimp on innovations.
The exterior thermal insulation market (ITE) records a strong development of the ETICs (thermal external composite System Insulation or thermal insulation system from the exterior with coating on insulation).
An ETICS is a complex composed of an insulation fixed on the wall, a under-expanded underwear of a fiberglass trellis and a finishing coating.The underessiness, which maroufles a reinforcement, ensures the waterproofing of the system and provides performance to the whole (shock holding, for example).
There are two categories of underendied on the market: organic loans and mineral plasters powder, ready to spoil, which take precedence over the first.
The insulation is generally in white polystyrene or polystyrene graphn, rock wool, even wood fibers and even cork in wood construction.It can also be a phenolic foam which offers a very good level of thermal efficiency and makes it possible to divide by two the thickness of a classic insulation.
Thinner products and many shades
In terms of finish, the supply of manufacturers is widening by offering, both in the field of thin plasters and thick systems, scratched, projected, crushed, completely smoothed, or even of the concrete raw type.
Products are thinner, offer optimized performance, as well as a wide variety of aspects and colors.Furthermore, for the parts most exposed to shocks and graffiti (such as the ground floor of buildings), there are specific formulations associating glass, ceramic or terracotta facings for a “Brickapparent ".
Expert opinion: Laurent Goetgheluck, market manager ITE department facades parexlanko
How is the ITE coatial market defined?
Laurent Goetgheluck : On estime le marché global de l’ITE à plus de 19 millions de m2, dont 7,4 millions de m2 pour les bardages, vétures et vêtages et 11,9 millions de m2 pour les enduits sur isolants.This last market brings together about fifteen players in total and recorded in 2017 an increase in surfaces of 2%.
Si les statistiques syndicales*, suggèrent un marché de 10,3 millions de m2, le cabinet d’études TBC en revanche, qui s’appuie sur des déclarations provenant des négoces et des entreprises, l’estime plutôt à 11,9 millions de m2.By weighing the whole, we can consider that 11 million m2 is as close as possible to the truth.
What about the underenders?
L.G.: In the field of under-expanding, 68% of surfaces are devolved to powdered products.In fact, for about 5 years, there has been a significant transfer of paste products to powdered products.
This transfer was carried out for several reasons: the fire regulations first of all, but also the development of rock wool type insulators which led applicators to use powdered products because more permeable to water vapor.
Finally (and perhaps above all), even if you have to count a higher labor investment, powdered products are half cheaper to purchase.
It seems that this sector is very dynamic in terms of innovations.What about what is it?
L.G. : La Recherche & Développement des industriels oriente ses efforts sur plusieurs points :
*either those of the grouping of SNMI and SIPEV
The solutions
The ite under coating is the damp sector.You can use either thin, organic or mineral plasters, or thick hydraulic plasters.The two solutions use specific know-how and different sectors: manual application on one side, mechanized on the other.
Solution 1: Thick hydraulic plasters
These coatings have a thickness of 8 to 10 mm.They take up the traditional aspects of the coated houses in a single -toss: scraped, projected, crushed.
Thick hydraulic plasters are based on lime/cement and are projected in thick layer thanks to the power of a project machine.These products represent 10% of market areas.Their interest is aesthetic, but also technical.
Indeed, from the point of view of the fire regulation, they position themselves above the others, which is crucial in buildings of larger size: one can go up to 300 mm in polystyrene thickness, the plasters formingA protective shell.Finally, in some manufacturers, they have very good resistance to shock and punching.
Thick plasters must be spoiled while respecting the dosages indicated and well -homogenized, compliance with consumption being a guarantee of good resistance to the system (especially its good behavior with thermal shock).Some new generation coatings are formulated to improve the grip.They can thus be implemented on a smooth PSE, applied to the lance in two layers, which allows faster and simplified implementation.
To note
: Ils offrent de larges possibilités en termes de finition puisqu’il est possible de varier les couleurs, la granulométrie etc., soit des aspects de finition grattée ou projetée, qui reproduisent très bien les finitions des maisons d’après-guerre.
Solution 2: thin plasters
The implementation of thin plasters must scrupulously respect all the stages of the installation by inspecting closely the support.
There are two categories here:
To note
: Le travail préparatoire des enduits minces est important. Le support doit être examiné de près, afin de savoir si le système d’accrochage peut être correctement ancré et si la colle mise en place sur l’isolant accroche convenablement au mur.
Treat disorders
The Construction Quality Association recalls that with the ITE systems by coating on insulation, the most numerous disorders occur during the renovation of the systems carried out in the 80s.
Disorders may appear, such as condensation and development of mold, sudden detachment of the insulation of the wall, uprooting the original RPE or even appearance of new cracks cutting the film made as part of the maintenance or repairs.Rectilinear cracks, coats, scales, coating, bombing or tuilages of the plates constitute the visible signs of degradation.
In initial installation, the AQC indicates that it is necessary to comply strictly with the rules of design and execution.
In renovation: an in -depth prior diagnosis must be made if the surfaces and/or the disorders are important and retain the appropriate technique.According to the state of the Etics, the entrepreneur will be led to carry out a simple interview or a more elaborate renovation.In the most unfavorable situations of heavy techniques are retained: coat (ie the updating of the insulation) and cladding/clothing, on the ite in place.
To consult
Au stade conception :
Au stade exécution :
To read
Knauf offers a technical guide for the ITE professionals, architects or facades, directly adapted from the “Guide to recommendations on fire protection of concrete or masonry facades coated with thermal insulation systems from the outsideOn expanded polystyrene (PSE) ».
Rich in synthetic diagrams and tables, it deals with the ite of design to the implementation of SOLUTIONS in PSE under plains responding to the fire regulations in force on ERPs and collective housing buildings.
Source: Batirama.Com / Michèle Fourret