How many diapers per day for a newborn? -

How many diapers per day for a newborn? -

By Lola TalikShareSend by email

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I certify that I am not sending unwanted emailsDuring a first pregnancy, a multitude of questions run through the minds of future mothers. Among them, a practical question: how many nappies do you use per day for a baby?

This is a practical question that all future mothers, and more particularly those who are expecting a baby for the whole first time, arise! And for good reason, knowing the number of diapers Baby will need each day is not only useful, it is essential. And this, in particular to correctly anticipate the "special baby" budget forecast and to organize the stock of diapers when you return from the maternity ward.

Define the number of nappies according to the baby's diet?

It is therefore difficult, when you are a mother for the first time, to know, in advance, the needs of your baby Babe. And more specifically her diaper needs. However, according to some moms, there is a difference between the number of diapers used by a breastfed baby and the number of diapers used by a bottle-fed baby. Breastfed babies would sometimes have a tendency to have a bowel movement after each feeding.

In any case, in order to protect Baby from possible diaper rash and other irritations, it is important to change the diaper as soon as you notice that he has had a bowel movement. Regarding urine, it is possible that your loulou's diaper absorbs it completely, and that it is not wet, but dry, after he has relieved himself. In which case it is not essential to change it immediately.

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How many diapers to plan on returning from maternity?

How many diapers per day for a new -born? -

Back home with Baby, parents and children must now find their rhythm, and gradually put in place their new habits of life… and consumption! Regarding the famous stock of diapers, providing an average of two packs of diapers, size 1, as soon as you return from the maternity ward, already seems like a good start! But be careful not to overdo it, because it is important to make sure beforehand that Baby supports the diapers you have chosen for him. Start with a few "test" diapers before embarking on the great and formidable adventure of diaper stocks!

How to find cheaper nappies?

At the rate of about 8 diapers a day during the first three months of your little one, the diaper budget is, in fact, not to be taken lightly. Also, any good plan to save some money on diapers can be useful. And, fortunately, there are a number of discount coupons for baby diapers on the market! Some brands offer, on their website, discounts after registration. From time to time, some supermarkets offer online or in-store promotions. In short, by keeping an eye open, it is not impossible to make some good deals!

Targeting baby's diaper needs age by age

Over the months, you witness, not without emotion, the progress of your loulou. Yes, your little one is growing, his needs are changing, and his needs for diapers with it! On average, it is estimated that a baby uses approximately:

Then, approximately:

But let’s remember that there are no rules in this area. Potty training is a complex experience, unique to each person. Keep in mind that each child progresses at their own pace.

Read also: Potty training: tips and tricksShareSend by email
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