Hénin-Carvin: videoconferencing and financial assistance to go to washable diapers
TheMixed Syndicate for Waste Elimination and Valuation (SYMEVAD) offers a videoconferencing on the washable layers on Saturday morning.Parents who engage in the process will be advised but also financially helped.
partagertwitterSelon le SYMEVAD, vingt couches lavables suffisent pour un bébé. Et elles peuvent servir pour les enfants suivants. Photo archives Thierry ThorelBabies really have no effort to save the planet.As soon as they start by producing a ton of waste!This ton is the cumulative weight of the disposable diapers that their parents put them on the buttocks during their first thirty months of existence, or about 5,000 layers, according to the calculations of the Symevad*.Which, still according to the calculations of Symevad, represents an expense of 1,400 euros.Merci bébé !
If the Symevad communicates all these figures, it is not for...
ArticlePoursuivez votre lecture sur ce(s) sujet(s) :Traitement des déchets|Bébé|Hénin-Beaumont (62110, Pas-de-Calais)|Carvin (62220, Pas-de-Calais)|Communauté d'Agglomération d'Hénin-Carvin