Health Women 60 years old: how to lose belly in 18+ tips and advice that is easy to follow

Health Women 60 years old: how to lose belly in 18+ tips and advice that is easy to follow

Belly fat is like an unwelcome, rude visitor: you never invited it, but once it's set in, it's harder to get it to leave than you ever imagined! On the other hand, it often feels like there is no way to counter the weight gain that comes with aging. No matter what restrictions you put on yourself, your jeans waistline keeps growing in proportion to the number of candles on your birthday cake. Although it may seem that getting fat is inevitable with age, and this is especially true for ladies due to certain hormonal changes, there are dozens of steps one can take in this regard. So here are more than 18 good things to do right away that reveal how to lose belly fat at 60 or older!Women's health over 60: how to lose belly fat in 18+ easy-to-follow tips and adviceWomen's health over 60: how to lose belly fat in 18+ easy-to-follow tips and advice

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How to lose belly fat at 60? Top tips!

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Girls, being in good physical shape does not have to be a nightmare, even after retirement! The truth is that eating healthy and including as much movement as possible in your daily life is completely sufficient, considering that you are generally healthy. Below, you'll find out what foods to include in your diet, what to avoid, and why even light exercise is so important. In short, you will learn how to lose belly fat if you are a woman of 60 or more.

Eating bananas is not a taboo

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While many people assume that carbs must be excluded from our diet to effectively eliminate belly fat, choosing the right carbs, like bananas for example, can actually speed up your weight loss efforts. A study published in the Nutrition & Metabolism reveals that prediabetic subjects who supplemented their diet with inulin, a prebiotic fiber found in bananas, lost significantly more weight and more fat than those who did not eat it. No need for more incentives to add bananas to your meals, right?

Switching to whole grains is highly recommended

Refined carbs on your menu could be the main reason you can't get rid of the unsightly belly. Recent human nutrition research found that people who ate three or more servings of whole grains each day and limited their intake of refined grains had about 10% less visceral fat wrapping their organs than those who favored simple carbohydrates. Bread is no longer a chimera, provided it is made from whole seeds!

How to lose belly fat at 60? Go for a walk or run!

You don't have to be a professional athlete or run a marathon to say goodbye to the tremor around your stomach. Even a relatively short jog a few days a week can be super beneficial for your weight and overall health. Researchers at Duke University have found that running or walking briskly 20 km per week, or just 2.85 km per day, can significantly reduce fatty deposits along the equator. And how many steps per day to improve our cardiovascular health? Science says: 7000 on average. Green light then to running and especially to brisk walking!

Catching life-saving stingrays through outdoor activities

Scientists at Northwestern University found that people who were exposed to early morning sunlight had a significantly lower BMI than those who picked up a few rays later in the day or spent their time indoors. Morning exercises outdoors can also help regulate your circadian rhythm, which improves sleep and gives you more energy to face the day.

Filling up on fiber is the key to success

Health 60-year-old woman: how to lose weight belly in 18+ easy to follow tips and advice

Apart from whole grains, a range of delicious and affordable foods help in the fight against visceral fat accumulation. For information, this harmful substance that surrounds our organs is linked to an increased risk of diabetes and colorectal cancer, among others. However, adding just 10 grams of soluble fiber per day reduces the risk by 3.7% over a 5-year period. Add daily moderate activity to the equation and the percentage jumps to 7.4%! It seems that mastering how to lose belly fat is not rocket science, right?

Spicing things up is beneficial and delicious

Researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands have found that adding to meals just 2.56 milligrams of capsaicin – the chemical compound that gives the taste spicy with peppers, considerably increased the capacity to burn fat by stimulating the metabolism. In addition, you can grow peppers yourself, even on the balcony or indoors!

Protein consumption should not be overlooked

Eating more protein can do wonders for reducing those extra inches around your waist. A four-month follow-up of a group of premenopausal, overweight women found that those who ate a high-protein diet lost more visceral fat and gained more muscle than those who ate moderate amounts. By the way, all the participants meanwhile did aerobic exercise and resistance exercise five days a week.

Doing light weightlifting is a very good idea

The best way to lose weight is to lift it! Of course, we are not talking about snatch or clean and jerk on the barbell… Twenty minutes of light exercise with one kilo dumbbells, for example, considerably reduces the risk of gaining abdominal fat. as we age, as demonstrated by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Not all fats are the same!

It may sound crazy, but consuming more monounsaturated fats, like those found in raw nuts, can actually help you get rid of extra pounds that you accumulate around your belly. Researchers at the Reina Sofía University Hospital in Cordoba, Spain, found that after a 28-day study, subjects whose diets were high in monounsaturated fatty acids were less likely to gain abdominal fat compared to group following a plan high in carbohydrates or saturated fat.

Lose belly at 60 by eating chocolate? But yes!

Good news, girls! Research published in the European Journal of Medical and Pharmacological Sciences reveals that women with normal weight and excess abdominal fat who added 100 grams of flavonol-rich dark chocolate to their diet over a week-long period reduced both their waist circumference and their cholesterol levels. Apparently, "How to lose belly fat at 60+ without giving up chocolate?" is not an absurd question!

How to lose belly fat with the right sources of calcium?

Increasing your calcium intake not only strengthens your bones, but it's also an easy way to stave off those pounds too much to accumulate around your waist. Shanghai researchers found that people who increased their intake of calcium and vitamin D while doing moderate exercise lost belly fat more easily than the control group. Keep in mind, however, that dairy products are not the best source of Ca, especially in old age. On the other hand, prefer sunflower seeds, oranges, almonds, beans and green vegetables, such as kale, watercress and broccoli.

Enjoy the omnipotent superhero said vinegar

If you regularly follow our content, you probably already know that ordinary white vinegar is supposed to do everything... Certainly cleaning windows without streaks, driving away some pests in the garden, removing encrusted limestone in the bathroom or shining the ceramic hob in the kitchen are just some of its many useful applications. But did you know that, according to a 2009 study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, it can also help you shrink your belly? So don't skip the vinaigrette and season your salad well!

How to lose belly fat at 60? Chill out!

When you're stressed, your bloodstream bursts with cortisol, a hormone linked to belly fat storage. Luckily, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco found that being overweight and having a big belly was less likely in people who meditated, regularly went out with their friends, practiced their favorite hobbies and so on.

Add asparagus to your menu to reinvigorate your gut flora

Recent research suggests the inulin in asparagus promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria, giving your immune system a powerful boost and fighting the superfluous kilos. So add them to every Friday night meal, for example, and your belly will thank you in the long run!

Gourmet tip: opt for fish and seafood

The same goes for fish and seafood! A usual diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce visceral fat stores by 30%! at the end of the study compared to those on a low-fat diet. If you're vegan or vegan, replace fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, with nuts and flax seeds that are packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3s.

What are the drinks to avoid to reduce waist circumference?

As you have probably already understood over time, watching what you drink is as important as being vigilant with what we eat. The human body prioritizes metabolizing alcohol over food, thus slowing down your metabolism. So forget the beer and especially the sweet cocktails if you want to keep in shape. Naturally, enjoying a good glass of wine from time to time is one of the little pleasures in life that should not be denied!

Other physical activities to lose belly fat at 60+

Dusting off the yoga mat and remembering basic asanas is a great low impact activity that is good for the joints, lowers levels of cortisol and has the potential to burn up to 300 calories per hour!

Swimming is even more effective, burning up to 600 calories per hour for an average-weight person and even more for those who are overweight or obese. This is how to lose belly fat without too much effort if you are a 60+ year old woman!

Finally, taking your sleep seriously is essential

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