Germophobic, a dad refuses to change the diapers of his baby

Germophobic, a dad refuses to change the diapers of his baby

By Mélodie CapronnierPublié shares it by e-mail
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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableSous prétexte qu'il est germophobe, un papa refuse de changer la couche de son bébé de 2 mois. Sa compagne s'en charge donc, mais il ne cesse de la critiquer quand elle le fait...

When a couple becomes a parent, it sometimes divides the tasks linked to the baby.This is the case for a young woman who testifies to Reddit.Her husband being very germophobic, they agreed so that it is she who is systematically stuck in layers.Problem, for two months that their baby has been born, every time she changes her diaper, the dad disembarks to criticize her.At the end, the young mother tells she forced her to do it.

Dad does not change the diapers

Her husband is "extremely germophobic", so they agreed to make her who "take care of their son's cracras" care ".It is therefore she who changes the diapers, each time.And, each time, her husband makes her criticism that she faces when the contents of the layer is not very steep, which is perfectly understandable."My husband arrives from nowhere as if he wanted to take me on the fact and tells me that the grimaces that I do have an" impact "on the emotional state of our son and that I should smile.He mimics with his hands like "Souriiiiiiiis".I told him to leave me alone, he knows it's difficult for me but does nothing to help me.Instead, he makes fun of me and harass me, "said the young mother.One day, she ended up cracking and told him that if he continued, it would be up to him to change the diapers.And we understand it!

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Unfortunately, it seems that the message has not reached the recipient."He was in the kitchen starting to eat without waiting for me while I was changing the layer of my son.He came in the room his mouth full of food and, once again, commented my grimace and reminded me of smiling and "showing love" and stopping to hurt the emotional health of the emotional health ofour son.I broke down !I told him that he had exceeded the limits once too much and that he was going to have to change the layer, that we would then see how much he smiled.His tone has changed.He said that we agreed that I would change the layers even before the baby is born and that I knew the reason perfectly.Yes, he's germophobic.But he is also a parent.What kind of parent never changes his baby's layer? "Says the mother.

Germophobe, un papa refuse de changer les couches de son bébé

The fact remains that her husband ended up changing the layer."It took him an eternity and, as I expected, he did all the grimaces of disgust possible and imaginable, and I even thought he was going to vomit.When he finished, I said he had lost the smile competition with all these grimaces.He was upset and rushed to wash his hands, complaining that I was trying to make him do everything.And that I had made him lose his appetite by making him experiment "that" ", says the young mother.She then replied that, as he wanted several children, he was going to have to get into it at some point, what his spouse replied that she was not taking her germophobia seriously.

Internet users advise therapy

On the forum, the majority of Internet users supported this mother.Many of them recognize that fear of germs is a real pathology, but they advise that he consults a psychologist to succeed in overcoming it."Why does a germophobic enter full mouth in a room where we take care of poop? Anyway, he must manage his irrational phobia to be able to participate better in the tasks and the family.If he was agoraphobe, would you allow him to stay at home all the life of your child, to miss the shows of the equal, football matches and family holidays, or would you like himHelp? "Asked one of them.

The members of the forum also emphasize that, germophobic or not, when you do not change the layer and you do not know what you can sometimes find in it, you refrain from criticizing the grimaces of the other."If it was a real phobia, he would not have been able to do it by simply doing a face and luketing a little, even once.Refusing to participate in this particular (and essential) aspect of parents' life is one thing, to judge and criticize your way of doing it is another.He must be exhausting...", Writes a redditeur.

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