Did Nelson slept with Léana (La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 6)?She pushes a big rant
La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 6 Suivre Mis à jour par Laurine Poret-Birembauxle . Crédits : Instagram @sao.nelson - @itsleana____Temps de lecture :1 minuteAlors que Nelson a sous-entendu avoir couché avec Léana(La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 6), elle a poussé un gros coup de gueule.
Most recently, Léana reacted with humor after having been mercilessly mocked because of a photo too retouched.The candidate of the Villa of Broken Hearts 6 knows that she plays a lot on her image but does not lack self-mockery about her!On the other hand, when she has something to say, she does not hesitate.The proof, his pretender in the TFX program implied that he had slept with Léana, but the latter crossed him cash on her lie. Alors que Nelson a été vu dans la story Instagram de Théo ou encore sur son compte faisant des références aux soit-disant nuits torrides qu'il avait passées avec la jeune femme, celle-ci est sortie de ses gongs et n'a pas hésité à démentir toute cette histoire de manière cash.
In her Instagram story, Léana wrote: "So listen to Sao Nelson I don't know why you do the frustrated on the networks to make you believe that you slept with me but poto you never touched me and you will never touch me.(...) Va gazer ailleurs frangin tu es éclaté au sol avec ta gonflette et tes fausses paires.You sent me you miss you in private laughs after that makes you hit me.You saw me I am not a girl who criticizes people but when the guy puts 18 insta story and made implied when there is tchiiii I have not even seen your feet you invent a file."Outch, Léana clearly gave the record straight to her pretender Nelson and it stings! Speaking of candidates from the Villa of Broken Hearts 6, Théo made an adorable declaration to Cassandra.