Breastfeeding: 26 questions we ask ourselves when breastfeeding -

Breastfeeding: 26 questions we ask ourselves when breastfeeding -

By Claire Schneider

Has baby eaten enough?

At first, when you don’t know your baby well yet, it’s impossible not to wonder if he has eaten enough once the feed is over. If he cries 10 minutes later, the questions are “Is he still hungry? Should I put him back to the breast?…”… many mothers are helpless in the face of this uncertainty. If Baby is bottle-fed, we know that he drank 90 ml of milk. At the breast, difficult (impossible) to know how much he took. But there are certain clues that are unmistakable: if baby seems sated after feeding, in a state of bliss, if he falls asleep, this is generally a sign that he has eaten well. Diapers are also a good indicator: it is estimated that there should be between 6 to 8 wet diapers each day, and at least one with yellowish and soft stools during the first month. Not to mention the weight gain, which shows that everything is working as it should.

How many times a day should I breastfeed my baby?

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There are no specific rules in this area, but in general, there are between 8 and 12 feedings per day (yes, that's a lot…) for the first few months. The recommendations often tend towards breastfeeding on demand, which implies that the child is approximately 6 hours a day at the mother's breast. Since breast milk is easy to digest, unlike infant milk, the child is often hungry.

Is the breastfeeding position the right one?

Is the baby in a comfortable position? Isn't he in danger of choking? Will it digest well? Each mother must find her bearings at the start of breastfeeding. If there are a few known breastfeeding positions (the Madonna, the straddle position, etc.), the main thing is above all that the mother and the baby are in a comfortable position.

Read also: What are the different breastfeeding positions?

When should I change my breast to breastfeed?

Women often have a larger and more “efficient” breast than the other, which gives more milk and which the baby tends to prefer. In general, only one breast is offered per feeding. The baby is left on the same breast as long as he wishes. Breastfeeding bracelets allow you to know which breast has been given so that you can alternate during the next feeding. But if the baby has dropped the breast and does not seem satisfied, it is possible to offer the other. Each mother does according to the needs of her baby.

Does my baby have to burp after a feed like a bottle-fed baby?

As for the bottle (but in less quantity), your little one swallows a little air while he suckles. If you see Baby hiccuping, for example, you can try burping him after feeding by holding him straight on your shoulder and patting him on the back. He may not need it every time, but it costs nothing to offer it to him.

Do I have enough milk to breastfeed?

One of the main fears of mothers is not having enough milk. It is rare for a mother to run out of milk. Good to know, the more baby suckles, the more milk you produce. It will therefore be necessary to arm yourself with patience and courage because you risk spending some time with baby at the breast in the first month in particular. However, you may be lucky that your infant only needs spaced meals. As to know if Baby has eaten enough, you will know that you have enough milk if your baby is gaining weight, if his diapers are full...

Breastfeeding and food

What does my breast milk taste like?

Breast milk can change in taste depending on the foods eaten by the mother (same for the color, which could change depending on the food colorings). Certain foods in particular with a strong taste such as leeks, celery, cauliflower, asparagus, garlic, etc. can modify the taste of breast milk. But beware, that doesn't mean baby won't like it. Tests have been carried out on mothers who have just eaten a garlic capsule, and if the taste has been modified, it seems that babies did not dislike it, far from it! Indeed, they have been accustomed to different tastes already in the womb of the mother.

Can I eat anything while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding: 26 questions we arises when breastfeeding -

A priori, breastfeeding women can eat anything! So no unnecessary stress. A varied and balanced diet during the breastfeeding period is however recommended.

And have a glass of wine?

Alcohol and tobacco should be avoided during breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy. However, if you want to toast on a special occasion, make sure you have a full stomach and do it right after feeding since alcohol is eliminated from the blood after 2 to 4 hours.

Dads and breastfeeding

Does dad feel left out while breastfeeding?

For breastfeeding to be successful, it is important that the father supports the mother. Impossible (or almost) to breastfeed serenely if your partner does not approve. Getting started is already difficult at times, so if you have a man next to you who repeats “it would be so much easier with a bottle…”, this risks creating tension and causing breastfeeding to fail. The ideal if he is not initially convinced is to explain to him that it is important for you and that his support is necessary. And also to show him that he can get involved in other ways: by cuddling, by giving a bath. Without forgetting that the mother can express his milk so that he can give a bottle from time to time.

What if it makes him uncomfortable?

It's not easy to regain sexuality after giving birth. Extreme fatigue, pain... breastfeeding can also block the desire of some dads, who cannot overcome the image of the foster mother. Ditto on the mother's side, who does not necessarily want to be eroticized in this period when she is in fusion with her baby. Each couple ends up finding their marks, but we must be careful not to forget each other and to find moments together, even if it is only tenderness at first while waiting to find a fulfilled sexuality. The dad may also be uncomfortable when his wife breastfeeds in public. These are only adjustments to be found so that everyone finally finds their account. The dialogue must be constant, everyone must express their expectations (support for the mother, involvement for the father, etc.) and everything should quickly fall into place.

Breasts and breastfeeding

Will my breasts become small again after breastfeeding?

Like all pregnant and breastfeeding women who originally had small breasts, you can't believe you have that beautiful (and bulky!) breast, and you secretly hope it doesn't go away. fly away after weaning your child. Don't kid yourself... The breasts return to their original size when the mother stops breastfeeding.

Will my breasts sag after breastfeeding?

An American study* would have shown that there was no significant difference between the breasts of a woman who did not breastfeed and those of a woman who chose the bottle. The number and duration of breastfeedings would also have no effect on the changes that may occur in the chest.

It is rather multiple pregnancies, age and smoking that could have consequences on the elasticity of the skin and ligaments, and therefore on the "hanging breasts" appearance.

Will my nipples be damaged by repetitive sucking?

Many women dread the famous cracks caused by breastfeeding. At the start of breastfeeding, lesions may appear on the mother's nipples. Most of the time, they are due to a bad position of the baby, who suddenly catches the breast badly and nibbles the nipple. It is therefore important to position the baby correctly from the start of breastfeeding. Do not hesitate to seek advice from the midwives in your maternity ward. If the crack appears, there are some remedies like purified lanolin or breast milk itself.

Breastfeeding and going out

Can I go out to a restaurant if I am breastfeeding?

Of course it would not miss that you remain cloistered! The good thing about breastfeeding is that you can do it (almost) anywhere and you don't need anything but yourself. If you want to go out to a restaurant (or elsewhere) you have two solutions: leave your baby with someone and express your milk or take your baby with you and breastfeed him there if necessary. In this case, plan (especially at the beginning because you will not necessarily be comfortable the first few times) a practical breastfeeding outfit and everything you may need (blanket or diaper to cover yourself...).

How to breastfeed in public?

It's not always easy to breastfeed outside when you're not used to it. Mums can be embarrassed to take their breast out and a little clumsy at first... The best thing is to have suitable clothes (large tunic with a tank top and a nursing bra for example) and to plan something to wear above to feel comfortable. The people around will see nothing but fire!

Are people embarrassed to see me pull out a breast to breastfeed?

Some people are uncomfortable around a woman who is breastfeeding. However, it is your choice and you are not going to stop yourself from it for fear of offending certain people. Without showing off, you can turn around a bit and do this discreetly. It will also be easier for you to be in your bubble rather than feeling embarrassed looks.

How can I go out in the street for a peaceful walk in winter without being afraid that my baby will wake up to take the breast?

Ideally, it's better to come out right after a feed rather than a few hours after. This will avoid doing this in the cold! Afterwards, if you have no choice, nothing prevents you from asking a merchant to welcome you for a few moments to breastfeed your baby or to sit in a café to feed your child. You can also express your milk and take the bottle with you so that you don't have to undress when your baby is hungry.


When should I express my milk?

Each mom has her own rhythm. There is therefore no real rule in this area, but to get an idea, it is generally after a night's sleep that the breasts have a greater supply of milk. It is therefore possible at this time to breastfeed your baby, then to express your milk. Having a rhythm and regular schedules for expressing milk also helps promote lactation.

What can I store my breast milk in?

Read also: How to properly store breast milk?

Breastfeeding and sleep

Can I space out feedings to settle my baby?

It is breastfeeding on demand that is recommended today. Breastfeeding at a fixed time is generally prohibited and every woman who embarks on the adventure of breastfeeding must be patient because she will have to be completely available for her baby for the first few months. In general, an infant feeds between 8 and 12 times a day (every 2 to 3 hours at first). Afterwards, each child is different, yours may have more or less important needs. It is only after a few months that the feedings will really become less frequent.

Will my baby go to sleep later at the breast than at the bottle?

Again, every baby is different. But it is true that it is generally easier to “regulate” a child on a bottle than on the breast.

Can I breastfeed just to calm my baby down?

We call them cuddly, comfort or reassurance feedings… that’s also breastfeeding on demand, sometimes just putting your baby to the breast to console him, reassure him. Even if it is of course necessary to avoid unhooking your nursing bra every 5 minutes and to continually use this emergency solution which is not always one. It's all about measurement.

Breastfeeding and weaning

How will I successfully wean off?

Read also: Baby weaning: why is it difficult?

Will digestion be more difficult at weaning if my baby has been used to breast milk?

The composition of artificial milk is different from that of breast milk. The child's body will therefore be called upon to digest it and digestion lasts longer (which also makes it easier to space out the bottles than the feedings). Some children digest milk poorly, and it is sometimes necessary to change in the same range or in another. Do not hesitate to ask your pediatrician for advice if you have any doubts. During the first bottle of industrial milk, you can start by presenting him only 30 ml to observe his reactions. If this first bottle is well tolerated, the child can continue to drink this new milk. An allergy to cow's milk can appear at the beginning of weaning. In this case, there are substitutes for breast milk based on rice for example.

Will my baby take longer to adapt to bottle nipples?

As always, it depends on the child! But it is true that the sucking technique is different between the breast and the bottle. Sometimes switching from one to the other can be a bit difficult and the baby may initially reject it. Do not hesitate to try several shapes of pacifiers to find the one that suits you best.

*Led by the team of Brian Winker, American Medical University of Kentucky: "The effect of breastfeeding on breast aesthetics", Rinker B., Veneracion M., Walsh C. P., "Aesthetic surgery journal", September/October 2008.