Baby: Washable or disposable languages?|
Last update: November 2015 Sharewhatsapptweetmail
News is a question that tapped many parents at the birth of their child.Is it better to use disposable languages or washable languages? Displicated diapers have simplified the lives of mothers, but disposable languages are experiencing a real revival of popularity, and of course changed a lot over time. Alors, comment choisir? La santé • L’érythème fessier.Frucks of the skin in contact with disposable layers cause irritation, favored by the hot and humid medium.Washable layers, composed of natural fibers, allow the skin to breathe better, which reduces the formation of gluteal erythema. • La propreté.Supporters of washable diapers argue that the baby will be clean earlier (around 2 years and a half years), because he makes the link between urinate and be wet more quickly and be wet. L’environnement Les couches jetables posent des problèmes sur le plan environnemental, tant au stade de leur fabrication qu'en ce qui concerne le traitement après utilisation.Between his birth and the age of cleanliness, a baby uses a considerable amount of disposable layers - the equivalent of a ton of waste!- and each layer takes500 years to degrade.As for the production of disposable layers, it requires millions of trees to be killed each year to make cellulose, while water rejected after production is polluted by chemicals.Washable layers are notably composed of cotton.Dimol: Since it is necessary to wash them, it is necessary to use water and laundry products.On an ecological level, the advantage nevertheless goes to washable layers. L'aspect pratique Sachant qu'une bébé doit être changé environ...5.000 times until 2 and a half years, the practical aspect is obviously crucial.And on this point, the advantage goes to disposable languages, since washable layers require more organizational efforts.Le coûtSix changements de couche par jour la première année et cinq par jour entre 1 an et 2 ans et demi, cela représente un fameux budget.It is estimated that disposable strata represent an average of 1 budget of 1.€ 500 at 2.000 €. Pour les langes lavables, il faut compter entre500 et 600 € pour l’achat d’une vingtaine de couches, ajouter 100 € pour les accessoires (papiers de protection, inserts…), et 200 € pour le coût de lessive, soit au total entre 800 et 900 €, plus environ 100 € en cas de séchage en machine.
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