Negative carbon balance sheet floor

Negative carbon balance sheet floor

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  • Accueil >Un sol en liège à bilan carbone négatifPHOTO - 23457_1397755_k2_k1_3230489.jpg- ©Close Lightboxle 02/12/2020Ma newsletter personnaliséeVotre demande a été prise en compte.Configurer ma newsletterAjouter ce(s) thème(s) à ma newsletter personnaliséeValider Sols souples -

    Made from cork and recycled materials, this PVC floor covering displays a negative carbon footprint.It is available in multiple finishes allowing to compose a soil with personalized patterns: 5 slabs formats with or without chamfer (90 x 30 cm, 60 x 15/30/60 cm, 30 x 30 cm), 2 thicknesses (4 and6 mm), 31 colors and 17 veneers (linear, knots, rustic, etc..)).Waterproof, flame retardant and abrasion resistant, cork also has high thermal and acoustic performance, reducing steps up to 53 % compared to wooden or laminate floors.

    Cork Pure Signature, d'Amorim Wise

    PHOTO - 23457_1397755_k2_k1_3230489.jpg- ©Close LightboxUne collection Cradle to Cradle niveau Or

    Un sol en liège à bilan carbone négatif

    These carpet tiles are designed with an Econyl wire (100 % nylon wire from recycled materials) and a 100 % recycled Ecobase underlay, composed of 80 % chalk.These components are recyclable in closed loop without loss of quality.At a very low level of VOC and efficient emission to retain fine dust, the collection is classified or level of Cradle to Cradle certification, and platinum level for the use of healthy materials of healthy.Slabs of 50 x 50 cm, available in three designs of thickness 6.5 or 7.5 mm, with subtle patterns and neutral tones.Usage class 33, high dimensional stability, reduction in shock noise 22 to 26 dB, sound absorption and fire holder BFL-S1.

    Desso AirMaster Gold, de Tarkett

    PHOTO - 23457_1397755_k4_k3_3230491.jpg- ©Close LightboxDes dalles certifiées neutres en carbone

    These carpet tiles have a negative carbon footprint under-laying, without PVC or bitumen, made with a biocom-posite combining biosourced and recycled materials.

    Fiber is 75 % recycled nylon.The set displays a carbon footprint of 4.5 to 6.3 kg of CO2/m2.The collection, carbon neutral on all of its life cycle, was designed as part of the Carbon Neutral Floors program.In terms of aesthetics, it is available in 6 models with an urban style, inspired by street patterns in New York and London.Slabs of 50 x 50 cm, 6 to 8.1 mm thick, with shock noise reduction 25 to 26 dB, use class 33 and fire holder BFL-S1.

    NY+Streets, interface

    PHOTO - 23457_1397755_k6_k5_3230492.jpg- ©Close Lightboxarticles les plus lus
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