Baby feed: Watch out for sugar |

Baby feed: Watch out for sugar |

Sugar delights our children's taste buds from an early age.Fruits, cakes and confectionery, these are pleasures to make them discover gradually, without ever falling into excess, to teach them to be reasonable gourmet.

Not too much sugar for my baby

Sugar and you are a long story that started from the first moments of your life, in your mom's belly.Of course, you do not have the slightest memory but as much to say that the chocolate you love today, the pleasure of crunching in a very mature fruit, it comes from afar ... from the 4th month of pregnancy, the fetushas a hyperdélél -developed sensory potential, his mouth lined with small taste buds and taste buds on alert.When, according to maternal food, amniotic fluid soaks up a sweet, sweet and pleasant taste, it can be observed to suckle, swallow and demonstrate obvious pleasure.

On video: 5 tips to limit sugar in children's diet.Marie-Laure André, dietician-nutritionist, gives us tracks on a daily basis.

This preference is innate and will last over time, as a very primitive survival reflex: indeed, sweet products are carbohydrates, an essential source of energy whose organism could not happen.If breast milk or even infant milk has a very slightly sweet taste, it is with food diversification, from 4, 5 or 6 months, that your child will be able to discover new sweet flavors.Starting with those of fruits and certain vegetables.

Naturally sweet foods: which ones choose?

It's up to you to choose, according to your family tastes and traditions, which naturally sweet food you will offer your baby for a first meeting with the spoon.In compotes or purees, you can make him discover a whole range of sweet flavors: pears, carrots, quinces, citrus, sweet potatoes.Do not add sugar, the fruit is enough!Once the basic flavors are assimilated, there will remain all the little pleasures of life to discover over the meals.For dessert, start with plain dairy products (whole milk yogurt and small Swiss), which you do not systematically suck to let baby love a simple and natural taste.There is only us to find it too acidic!

Alimentation bébé : attention au sucre |

Offer him from time to time a little honey or jam in his natural yogurt, half a glass of pressed fruit juice (100 % pure juice), then mixed with milk in Milk-Shake or crushed mode, and finallywhole to chew on the full teeth (or at full gums!) When the time comes.Until 18 months-2 years old, take the opportunity to make him discover a maximum of flavors: your child would eat almost everything, his eyes closed.After this CAP, he will assert his tastes and disgust more, and will sometimes manifest the desire to decide by himself what he wants to eat or not.

What sweet pleasures to give to baby?

On the cake side, prefer simple and not very sweet cookies, avoiding pastries and pastries.At the end of meals, from time to time, offer him a fruit little-Swiss or a vanilla yogurt without it being a habit, to keep the pleasure of discovery and continue to favor the contribution in breast milkor in milk 2nd age after 6 months.A little later, serve blank, cream, rice in milk or sweet semolina for baby, without abusing them.Chocolate, meanwhile, is a more noble food, based on paste and cocoa butter mixed with sugar.For fun, make a tasting a very good quality square to your wolf, black and high cocoa content because it will be less sweet and stronger in taste.

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Why limit fast sugars in your child?

Because sugars naturally present in your baby's diet (milk, vegetables, fruits, cereals) are enough to meet its nutritional needs.Sugarness and cakes are only bonus, sometimes too much.So know how to be firm: increased consumption of sweets, snacks or sweet bottles between meals, these are bad habits taken for the rest of his life!Without demonizing the sweet, we limit the quantities, we do not let the package drag on the table, and we give the example.Also, loaded with sugar and additives but jubilant for the taste buds, sweets must therefore remain a plaisir food to make the child discover the latest possible (not before 2 years), and to taste preferably after the meal fordo not cut your appetite.During a party, offer it with fruits such as strawberries or raspberries.We always choose soft candies, sucking while sitting to avoid any risk of suffocation.

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Desserts and sweets: how to dose?

Halte to blackmail with your child!

Stop asking your children what they want to eat.It's up to you to master their menus and the (reasonable) differences, juggling their tastes and the good balance of their plate.Unlay them with a natural diet so that they know the pleasure of an occasional dessert or candy.This is the best way to teach them to savor things and become gourmet, even gourmets.For food as for every moment of daily life, a child needs limits allowing him to find his bearings.To avoid sacred sweets, be sure not to associate them with punishment and rewards.If treats and cakes are not prohibited but simply limited, they are allowed on the holidays so that children know how to appreciate them later, in moderation, without having the temptation to devour the package with frenzy.And then we get into the habit of washing our teeth after meals (and not only after candies) to preserve the pretty new quenottes of the harm of sugar.

A lire aussiAuteur : Laurence YèmeArticle mis à jour par Romy Ducoulombier