Fall drinks recipes - Marie Claire
By Ingrid Boinetmis update the share by e-mail Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableSi vous cherchez des idées de boissons d'automne à déguster sous un plaid, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Vous découvrirez ici des recettes réconfortantes, françaises comme étrangères, qui vous réchaufferont agréablement. Vous n'aurez plus qu'à déguster votre doux breuvage de saison !Fall often rhymes with rain and greyness, a weather that makes us want to snuggle under the duvet with good comforting drinks.If hot chocolate immediately comes to mind, know that it is also possible to prepare many other drinks.Just be inspired!And for that, nothing better than discovering these 15 autumn drinks to comfort themselves with greed.This will be an opportunity to test for the first time a squash drink, hot apple juice with spices or even Indian gold milk or to make yourself the famous Pumpkin Spice Latte of Starbucks®.Our hot drinks recipes will warm you up in no time!
Lire aussi :1/15Recipe comforting squash drink
tenkendeFind here the recipe for comforting squash drink.
2/15Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe from Starbucks®
Starbucks®For pumpkin pumpkin syrup:
For the Pumpkin Spice Latte:
Find here the recipe for the Starbucks® Pumpkin Spice Latte.
3/15Stracciateella chicory drink recipe
fotoliaFind here the recipe for the chicory drink Stracciatella.
4/15Hot spice hot chocolate recipe
Sucré saléFind here the recipe for hot chocolate with spices.
En vidéo : recettes de plats d'hiver :5/15Mexican hot chocolate recipe
FotoliaFind the Mexican hot chocolate recipe here.
6/15Caramel hot cider recipe
FotoliaFind here the recipe for hot caramel cider.
7/15Chocolate vegetable milk recipe
Ryniewicz, DorotaFind here the recipe for chocolate vegetable milk.
8/15Recipe Milk flavored with rum
M.SchneiderFind here the recipe for rum flavored milk.
9/15Coco recipe Chaï Tea Latte
Audrey LeroyFind here the recipe for Coco Chaï Tea Latte.
10/15Recipe hot apple juice with spices
©vm2002 - stock.adobe.comFind here the recipe for hot apple juice with spices.
11/15Indian gold milk recipe
fotoliaFind here the Indian gold milk recipe.
12/15Vanilla Halloween Milk-Shake Recipe
Juice Plus+For the Shake:
For garnish :
Find here the recipe for Halloween Milk-Shake in Vanilla.
13/15Homemade Irish Coffee Recipe
Loïc NicolosoFind here the recipe for the homemade Irish Coffee.
14/15Coffee recipe with spices and rose water (Bahrain)
FotoliaFind here the recipe for coffee and rose water coffee (Bahrain).
15/15Bourbon hot chocolate recipe
Russell Van Kraayenburg / Chasing DeliciousFind here our hot chocolate recipe in Bourbon.
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